Congress College First Anniversary
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Congress College First Anniversary

                  Congress College Chairman, EAJC Executive Vice President Yuri Raskin

                  Congress College First Anniversary


                  It was exactly a year ago that an initiative group consisting of members of the business world who are part of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) created an informal union of enterpreneurs ("colleagues"), organized like a club, under the leadership of EAJC Executive Vice President Yuri Raskin. Thus the Congress College was born. The College's membership has increased greatly over this year, uniting more people who became interested in its varied and effective activity,

                  The year has seen the main kinds of events held take form, leading development directions defined, and a list of services provided to members created.
                  The Congress College aims its efforts to realize both individal and collegial interests of its "colleagues" by giving a ground for presenting opinions and positions, organizing business meetings and promoting commerical, civil, culturological, and community initiatives both within the union and outside of it.
                  The audience of the Congress College includes representatives of different business segments, which allows to fill successful "chains" when realizing business projects. The Congress College creates a commercial, social, and community data fieldу, the effectiveness of which is based on the particulars of club relationships and its partnership with the EAJC.

                  Congress College events are deservedly popular in the business world. In particular, the following events have gathered great interest and appropriate resonance: "The Crisis is Dead. Long Live the Crisis?" "The Modern Stock Market and Instruments of Its Use," "From the View of Real Business (meeting with the Wimm-Bil-Dann Director's Council Chairman D. Yakobashvili)," "Creation and Use of a Successful Brand," and "Business and the Web."
                  The life of the thriving community is not limited to business. Congress College members are active participants in social and civil initiatives. This could be seen during the meeting with the President of Israel Shimon Peres, in participating in the EAJC Internet project in support of the Jewish State (, and in charity aid to a volunteer organization that specializes in mitigating the consequences of terroristic act. Congress College members will also show their team spirit and intellectual capabilities by participating in the world championship for the "What? Where? When?" trivia game, which is sponsored by the EAJC.

                  The self-sustainability of the Congess College, based on a combination of personal and commercial potential of its members, is the basis for the union's motto: "We know, we can, we find solutions."

                  When summartizing the first year of activity and congratulating its members on the first anniversary of activity, Congress College Chairman Yuri Raskin expressed a certainty that "Through our combined efforts we will make the life of ouyr community even more bright, intensive, and productive."