Anniversary Salutations to EAJC Vice President E. V. Shifrin
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Anniversary Salutations to EAJC Vice President E. V. Shifrin

                  Anniversary Salutations to EAJC Vice President E. V. Shifrin


                  The President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Alexander Mashkevich, Secretary General Michael Chlenov, General Council Chairman Josef Zisels, and Executive Vice President Yuri Raskin have sent a letter to EAJC Vice President Edward Shifrin to congratulate him on his 50th anniversary. The leter reads as follows:
                  "Dear Edward Vladimirovich!
                  On behalf of the leadership and staff of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), we wish to heartfeltedly congratulate you on your jubilee!
                  We are truly proud that you, one of the most generous and consistent patrons for the restoration of Jewish community life, are one of the leaders of our Congress. Your multifaceted community and charity activity can serve as a bright example for all patrons.
                  In according to ancient Jewish tradition we wish you to live until 120! We hope that our wish shall be heard by the Almighty, and thus you will be avaited by many new achievemens ahead.
                  We wish you and your family good health and happiness.
                  We hope to continue our combined fruitful work for the good of the Jewish people."