Visit of American Jewish Committee to Ukraine Begins
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Visit of American Jewish Committee to Ukraine Begins

                  AJC Executive Director David Harris and EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zisels

                  Visit of American Jewish Committee to Ukraine Begins


                  The delegation of the American Jewish Committee has begun its visit to Ukraine. The representatives of one of the most authoritative and influential Jewish organizations in the USA are holding meetings in Kyiv with the leaders of local and international Jewish organizations, as well as with the representatives of the Ukrainian authorities. .
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) organized a reception in honor of the guests in the kosher restaurant King David. Contemporary Jewish life in Ukraine and in the FSU in general were discusses, in particular, questions of restitution of Jewish property confiscated during the time of the Soviet Union.
                  The Ukrainian side was represented at the meeting by EAJC General Council Chairman Josed Zisels, representative of the Lubavitch Hasidim, Head Rabbi of Kyiv Moshe-Reuven Asman, EAJC Program Director Alexander Galkin, EAJC General Council Member, Head Rabbi of the Progressive Judaism communities Alexander Duchovny, leader of the monitoring program for instances of anti-Semitism and xenophobia Vyacheslav Likhachev, leader of the Nativ (Lishka Hakesher, the Liaison Bureau of the Israeli government) delegation Felix Mindel, and the Kiev City Jewish Community Chairman Anatoliy Shengait.
                  After the end of the reception, the American Jewry representatives headed to the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for negotiations. The AJC visit to Ukraine was part of a tour through FSU countries. Several days earlier, the delegation met with the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev in Baku.
                  The AJC is an old-time partner of the EAJC in many programs. The leaders of these organizations are not only connected by their work, but also by long friendship.