EACJ Delegation Attended the Annual Meeting of Jewish Communities Leaders in Washington
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EACJ Delegation Attended the Annual Meeting of Jewish Communities Leaders in Washington

                  Chairman of the General Council of EAJC Josef Zissels
                  and Executive Director of AJC David Harris

                  EACJ Delegation Attended the Annual Meeting of Jewish Communities Leaders in Washington


                  The Delegation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) headed by the Chairman of the EAJC General Council Josef Zissels attended the Annual meeting of leaders of Jewish communities, organized by the American Jewish Committee (AJC).
                  This traditional Annual meeting of Jewish communities leaders that has always been held in Washington, provides the international Jewish community with a suitable place for discussing the most burning issues of Jewish life.
                  American Jewish Committee is an organization with more than a century of history. It has its representatives in all the regions in the world where you Jewish organizations exist. In 2007, the Treaty on the strategic partnership between AJC and EAJC was signed in New York by the organizations leaders Alexander Mashkevich and David Harris.
                  The members of the EAJC delegation were Alexander Baron (Kazakhstan), Andrei Podolski (Ukraine), Leonid Levin (Belarus), Rimma Vardzhapetyan (Armenia), Rimma Golovin (Uzbekistan), Victor Mizrahi (Macedonia), Victor Melamed (Bulgaria).
                  The agenda of the Annual Meeting included current issues related to the nuclear dossier of Iran, the Middle East peace settlement, antisemitism in the world and the ways to oppose it, and the evaluation of Jewish life in different regions of the planet.
                  A special features of this Annual Meeting were speeches given by the Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Defense Minister of Israel Ehud Barak. Presentations of the Spanish Foreign Minister Moratinos Migelya, and his colleague from the Netherlands, Maxime Verhagen, gave an overview of the current international standing of Israel.
                  Clinton has warned Iran and Syria regarding their threats against Israel and declared that those who are threatening Israel and heating up the situation in the region should face the consequences of their actions. She stressed that the U.S. will remain an active participant in the peace process in all its phases.
                  President Barack Obama is committed to Israel's security in word and deed, she said. As for Iran, then, in her words, "Iran, with its anti-Semitic president and hostile nuclear ambitions, also continues to threaten Israel, but it also threatens the region and it sponsors terrorism against many." She said that the United States in cooperation with the UN are preparing a new package of sanctions against Iran. Regarding the US-Israeli relations in the light of tensions between the Government of Netanyahu and the Obama administration, Clinton said that in recent years the administration has sought to settle all differences.
                  Head of the EAJC Delegation Josef Zissels commented on the current annual meeting of AJC: "With this kind of meetings, the Jewish world is becoming more consolidated, and representatives of the former "Jews of Silence" together with their international colleagues get the opportunities to receive important information at first hand.”