President of Kazakhstan Meets With Jewish Leaders
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  President of Kazakhstan Meets With Jewish Leaders

                  EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich and President
                  of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev

                  President of Kazakhstan Meets With Jewish Leaders



                  On the 13th of April, a meeting between the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev and the leaders of the high-profile world Jewish organizations took place at the initiative of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) leader Alexander Mashkevich. The Kazakhstan President had been visiting Washington to participate in the nuclear safety summit.

                  Among the participants of the meeting were World Jewish Congress (WJC) President Ronald S. Lauder, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations leader Alan Solow, Executive Vice President of the Conference Malcolm I. Hoenlein, and the Executive Director of the Advocates on Behalf of Jews in Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic States & Eurasia (NCSJ) Mark B. Levin..
                  The representatives of Jewish structures noted the important role of the President of Kazakhstan in strengthening international peace and tolerance in the republic, as well as stability and safety in the region. As the Kazakhstan leader's interlocutors noted, Kazakhstan provides equal rights that are a reality for all of its citizens, regardless of nationality or faith.
                  “Today, Kazakhstan provides equal rights and opportunities for people of all nationalities that reside in the country,” Alexander Mashkevich said to journalists after the meeting. “Naturally, this hold true in regard to Jews, who actively participate in the Kazakhstan People's Assembly. The model of tolerance eminent in Kazakhstan could become an example for many other countries.”
                  The EAJC President also noted the importance of a meeting between the leader of one of the largest Muslim states and the representatives of Jewish leadership for a vital dialogue between peoples and faith. According to the President, such meetings may serve as a kind of indicator of the state of affairs in tolerance and international relations in a given country. “The possibility to show understanding and support, to thank for positive experiences, is no less important than the opportunity to speak out on possible worrying moments,” said the EAJC leader.