EAJC Delegation Participates in European-Jewish Press Forum
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                  EAJC Delegation Participates in European-Jewish Press Forum

                  EAJC Delegation Participates in European-Jewish Press Forum


                  The delegation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), headed by Secretary General Dr. Michael Chlenov, took part in the First Conference of Jewish Media in Europe, which took place on the 25th of February in Brussels. The forum was organized at the initiative of the European Jewish Press with the aid of the European Jewish Development Fund.
                  The forum was titled “Jewish Media in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities” and boasted the participation of journalists from various Jewish media of Great Britain, Italy, France, and a number of other countries. Speakers were invited from the main institutions of united Europe – the European Parliament, the European Commission, and others.
                  The plenary meetings and round tables were on the following current topics: “Media Globalization: Is There a Place for Sectoral Press?” “The Future of European Jewish and Stability of Interaction with Jewish Media,” “Rethinking the Role of the Printed Press in the Internet Era,” “Role of the Media in European-Israeli Relations.” The Jewish media of Russia were represented by a delegation headed by Boruch Gorin, editor-in-chief of the “Lechaim” magazine.
                  The EAJC delegation delivered salutations from EAJC President Alexander Mashkevich to the organizators of the conference. This message, in particular, read, “Jewish media are a sign of maturity for the communities. Their role in community life is difficult to overrate. They attract Jews from the outside to community life, and deliver the voice of the community to the outside world.”
                  The EAJC delegation also visited the Brussels office of the World Jewish Congress, where a discussion of ongoing matters and nearest plans for common actions took place.