"Let Men of Faith Unite!"
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  "Let Men of Faith Unite!"

                  Alexander Mashkevich and Patriarch Cyril

                  "Let Men of Faith Unite!"


                  The Most Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Cyril has conducted the Great Blessing of the Uspensky Cathedral Church in Astana during his three-day official visit to the Republic of Kazakhstan.
                  The greatest cathedral in the former Soviet Union may hold up to 4000 people. Right now, works are being completed on installing the marble floor, the iconostasis, and the chandeliers. The altar of the lower church is dedicated to the Convocation of Kazakhstan New Martyrs and Confessors.
                  Despite the necessary change in the Kazakshtan schedule of the Russian Orthodox Patriach due to unfavorable weather conditions, the meeting of the Patriarch with the President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Alexander Mashkevich did take place. An agreement was reached for the practical participation of the EAJC leader in the completion of the construction and final decoration of the cathedral church.
                  The Most Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Cyril noted that the meeting is a fruitful continuation of the Moscow treaty of cooperation between the ROC and the EAJC in the social and humanitarian spheres.
                  Mashkevich underscored that not only does he appreciate the Patriarch's call, "Let those of faith unite," which was stated at the Patriarch's residence in Moscow during the previous meeting, but also follows that call himself.
                  The visit of the Most Holy Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Cyril to Kazakshtan ended on January 18, 2010.