World Jewish Congress Vice-President Eduard Shifrin Lights Menorahs in Moscow
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                  World Jewish Congress Vice-President Eduard Shifrin Lights Menorahs in Moscow

                  WJC Vice-President Eduard Shifrin (photo by

                  World Jewish Congress Vice-President Eduard Shifrin Lights Menorahs in Moscow


                  Several important events took place at once during the first days of Hanukkah in Moscow and the Moscow region. Besides the traditional very warm Hanukkah greeting by the Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar and Mayor of Moscow Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov on the Manezh Square, the Hannukah menorah was lighted for the very first time in Barvikha.

                  The menorah was lighted on the central square of the “Luxury Village” settlement, and the square was filled with people. The famous patron and businessman Eduard Volodymirovich Shifrin took part in this significant event: he lighted the first candles on the holiday menorah together with the Head Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar.

                  For the last several years, Shifrin has been a worshiper at the synagogue in the Podushkino settlement, has participated in Sabbaths and other religious holidays. It was thanks to him that recently a ceremony to introduce a Torah Scroll to the synagogue was held.

                  This year, Eduard Shifrin, the famous Ukrainian businessman and patron, became the Vice-President of the World Jewish Congress. Eduard Shifrin is the only representative of Ukraine who has ever become a member of the WJC leadership. The recommendation for such a high post was given by the President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Alexander Mashkevich.

                  Berel Lazar, the Chief Rabbi of Russia, spoke of Eduard Shifrin as, “an extremely active man. Thanks to his support, such wonderful events as the inroduction of a new Torah Scroll into another Russian synagogue, as well as the lighting of a Hanukkah menorah in Barvikha became possible. All of his actions are aimed at doing good deeds. Such acts are valued very highly in Judaism, as they set a shining example for other people.

                  It is especially joyful that so many people came to the lighting of the holiday menorah in Barvikha. For the eight evenings of Hannukah we all light the menorah, the holiday lamp. It is traditional to set the menorah in the street, near the entrance to the house, or on the windowsill, so that its light may be seen by all. In the last decades, a new tradition has come into being – to set large menorahs on the squares of cities. It is a beautiful sight that attracts people of very different nationalities, and we are very happy about that.

                  Our wise men speak of the symbolic meaning of the pleasant rite that beautifies our life: the Hannukah candles do not only light up a limited space – they light up the entire world.

                  It is the duty of a human being to bring light to the world, to make it brighter and more human. When we light the Hannukah lamp, we declare a readiness to do this duty. I believe that with his deeds, Eduard Volodymirovich constantly and steadfastly brings good to the world.”

                  We would like to remind that in 2006, thanks to Eduard Volodymirovich, a new Torah Scroll also appeared in the Mar'yinoroschinkoya synagogue. A synagogue in Volgograd was restored with his aid.