Jerusalem Conference on Countering Anti-Semitism Opens
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Jerusalem Conference on Countering Anti-Semitism Opens

                  Speech of EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov

                  Jerusalem Conference on Countering Anti-Semitism Opens


                  The World Forum for Countering Anti-Semitism began its work in Israel. Over 500 scholars, politicians, diplomats, and leaders of Jewish community organizations from around the world are participating in this international conference. Part of the Forum's events are taking place in the Knesset building. Among those who greeted the participants of the Forum are the Speaker of the Israel Parliament Reuven Rivlin, Minister of Foreign Affrairs Avigdor Liberman, Minister of Information and Diaspora Yuli Edelstein. The global Forum was organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Israel.
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Secretary General Michael Chlenov in his speech turned the attention of the attendees towards the situation in the post-Soviet region, which is a more-or-less trouble-free region in regards to the number of anti-Semitic incidents and the mood of the society in general. According to Michael Chlenov, the so-called “new anti-Semitism” did not become a noticeable phenomenon in the countries of the former Soviet Union, where intolerance towards Jews is more likely to be traditional in character. Even the Muslims are much less concerned over the relationship between Israel and Palestine than their European and American counterparts.
                  The participants of the Conference were presented with the EAJC report on manifestations of anti-Semitism in Australia and Eurasia, published in Russian and English. At the meeting of the workgroup on Central and Easter Europe, which was led by rabbi Andrew Baker and Mark Levin, the EAJC General Council (GC) member, editor of the “Anti-Semitism in Australia and Eurasia – 2009” report Vyacheslav Likhachev and EAJC GC member, director of the Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies Dr. Anatoliy Podolsky both spoke.
                  The work of the Forum will continue of the 17th of December.