EAJC Mourns Passing of Scientist Vitaliy Lazarevich Ginzburg
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Mourns Passing of Scientist Vitaliy Lazarevich Ginzburg

                  Vitaliy Lazarevich Ginzburg

                  EAJC Mourns Passing of Scientist Vitaliy Lazarevich Ginzburg


                  It is with great sorrow that members of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress received the news of the passing of the prominent Russian scientist, full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Nobel prize laureate Vitaliy Lazarevich Ginzburg.

                  Ginzburg was a bright star in the shining pleiad of the physicists who created the worldwide renown of Soviet science, who raised it to heights unbeknown earlier. For those who knew his personally, Vitality Lazarevich was not only an example of devotion to science and a tireless search for truth, but of purely human courage, adherence to one's principles, and strength of character.

                  Jewry was not an empty word for Vitaliy Lazarevich, he was sincerely concerned for the Jewish community of Russia and its joys and sorrows. As far as time allowed, he participated in its life, always expressed his solidarity with the Jewish state, and vigorously supported protests against anti-Semitism.

                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress presents its sincere condolences to the family, friends, colleagues, and students of Vitaliy Lazarevich. Through his many years of fruitful scientific activity, Ginzburg wrote his name into history. However, we shall remember him not only as a brilliant scientist and an important thinker, but as a whole-hearted, principled person, a worthy son of his people.

                  Alexander Mashkevich, EAJC President
                  Michael Chlenov, EAJC Secretary General
                  Josef Ziels, EAJC General Council Chairman
                  Yuri Raskin, EAJC Executive Vice-President