Alexander Mashkevich Sends Greetings to the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC) Convention
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                  Alexander Mashkevich Sends Greetings to the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC) Convention

                  N. Propirny reads Mashkevich greetings

                  Alexander Mashkevich Sends Greetings to the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC) Convention


                  President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, Alexander Mashkevich, sent his greetings to the participants and guests of the VI Convention of the Pan-Russian non-governmental organization “Russian Jewish Congress,” which took place on the 12th of October in the Moscow Choral synagogue.

                  The message of the EAJC leader was read at the beginning of the convention, together with the greetings of the Chairman of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Sergey Mironov, the Prime Minister of the State of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu, and the President of the World Congress of Russian Jews Boris Shpigel.

                  Among other things, the greeting of the EAJC President read: “After all these years during which we were called 'The Jews of Silence,' the Russian Jewish Congress became one of the most noticeable houses on the proverbial Jewish street of the entire post-Soviet territory. From the very beginning, the RJC has made itself known, and has become a sort of model for Jewish organizations, whose good deeds were felt by a great many people, not only in Russia, but beyond its borders, as well.
                  I greet all who have gathered in this hall, especially the veterans of the Independent Jewish movement, which will be celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. Most of this truly historic period, the Russian Jewish Congress was at the forefront of the construction of Jewish life. There is no part of our every day life, from Jewish education, to Jewish culture, to the Jewish religious tradition and solidarity with Israel, where the Russian Jewish Congress has not left its tangible mark.

                  ...I am certain that all innovations which will be introduced into your activity will in no way change the wonderful role and honorable place which the Russian Jewish Congress has taken and will take in our collective work. You have done much, but I have no doubt that there will be much more for you to do.”

                  Yuri Kanner was elected unequivocally to the post of President of the RJC Co Ltd. The post of Executive Vice-President was taken by Nataly Shmidt (earlier – head of the Moscow office of the EAJC). The following became part of the 30 members of the Presidium: EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov, members of the EAJC General Council Ephim Gologorsky, Evgenia Lvova, Michael Skoblionok.

                  EAJC representatives took part in various events of the convention. EAJC General Council member Vyacheslav Likhachev led a round table on the problem of anti-Semitism in Russia. Forms and perspectives of further cooperation between the EAJC and the RJC were discussed both as part of the work of the congress and informally.