Diaspora Jews in Israel Show Support for Gilad Shalit
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                  Diaspora Jews in Israel Show Support for Gilad Shalit


                  Diaspora Jews in Israel Show Support for Gilad Shalit

                  In Jerusalem, the ceremony to celebrate the end of the inscription of a new Torah scroll that was dedicated to the fate of Gilad Shalit and other IDF soldiers who are missing in action or captured.
                  The ceremony was organized by the President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Alexander Mashkevich. The people who finished scribing the Torah scroll were the Mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat, the Minister of Industry, Trade, and Labour Binyamin Ben-Eliezer, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Israel Eli Yishai.
                  The ceremony of dedication of the Torah scroll took place on the military base "Hatzerim" of the Air Forces of Israel, in the Negev desert, where Alexander Mashkevich delivered the new Torah scroll in the presence of the Chief Rabbi of the IDF.
                  During his meeting with the President of Israel Shimon Peres, Alexander Mashkevich discussed with the leader of the country problems of the Jewish diaspora and emigration, geopolitical threats in the Near East, and questions of anti-Semitism and xenophobia in the world. Shimon Peres thanked the EAJC president for the solidarity shown, and underscored that such deeds unite the people and aid the growth of the national spirit. The mayor of Jerusalem decorated Alexander Mashkevich with an award.
                  The EAJC President also met the Rabbi Ovadia Joseph, who presented Mashkevich with a book written by him.