Project Kesher Celebrates International Children's Day
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Project Kesher Celebrates International Children's Day


                  Project Kesher Celebrates International Children's Day

                  For the 1st of June, International Children's Day, the activists of the International Women's Jewish Organization Project Kesher, which is part of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress, held a row of thematic events in various part of the CIS.
                  In Balakovo (Saratov Oblast, Russia), on the 31 of May, on the premises of the Balakovo Jewish Community Center, a Carnival was held. 25 children and around 50 adult members of the community and of the Youth Club took part in it.
                  In Bryansk (Bryansk Oblast, Russia), on the 1st of June, the Project Kesher workgroup, together with the Bryansk Oblast Children's Hospital and the member of the coalition "For Women's Rights," Chairman of the Committee on the Demographic and Family Policy of Bryansk Oblast Lyubov Kuznetsova, took part in the community activity "Care About Children and Parents."
                  In Vladikavkaz (Republic of North Ossetia-Alania, Russia), a multinational concert took place as part of a city event. The concert was held with the aid of the Department for Aid of Families and Youth, and the women's group of Project Kesher.
                  In Volgograd (Volgograd Oblast, Russia), on the first of June in the "Old Sarepta" local history museum, a city event dedicated to International Children's Day took place at the initiative of the workgroup of the European Commission "Creating a Civil Society Through Women's Unions" and Project Kesher.
                  In Kineshma (Invanovsk Oblast, Russia), in ORT computer center, an event titles "Our Children - Our Future" was held.
                  In Kislovodsk, (Stavropol Krai, Russia), the Project Kesher group took part in organizing and holding the city event "Opening the Summer."
                  On the 2nd of June, in the synagogue of Kostroma (Kostroma Oblast, Russia), a children's camp in the care of the city Jewish community was opened.
                  In Moscow, on the 1st of June, one of Project Kesher's long-time partners, the "Angel Coalition," held a round table on the topic of "Uniting the Forces of Governmental and Non-Governmental organizations of Russia for stopping human traffic, and also of the commercial and sexual exploitation of children."
                  In the end of may in Nizhniy Novgorod (Nizhniy Novgorod Oblast, Russia), members of the workgroup of the project "Creating a Civil Society Through Women's Unions" held a lecture on the topic "В конце мая в Нижнем Новгороде члены рабочей группы проекта «Построение гражданского общества через женские объединения» провела лекцию на тему "Health of the reproductive system. Smoking is not for us" for students of the "Or Avner" school.
                  On the 1st of June in Oryol (Oryol Oblast), as part of the project "Creating a Civil Society Through Women's Unions," members of the Project Kesher workgroup held the event "Let's Defend Our Children!"
                  On the 16th of May, the women's group "Bat-Hava" of Project Kesher and the Jewish community "Lechaim" of Rybinsk (Yaroslavl Oblast, Russia), together with the partner-organization "Ariadna" family center and the administration of the "Meteor" sports center, with the aid of the City Duma deputy V. Bespalko, held the city sports and entertainment festival, "We are a happy family."
                  The activists of the women's group of Project Kesher organized a charity drive for the children from one of Tambov's (Tambov Oblast, Russia) foster homes.
                  On the 31st of Mat, a city chidren's festival was held in the central park of Tula (Tula Oblast, Russia).
                  On the 1st of June, in the Dnipropetrovsk (Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine)city park, a city-wise event under the slogan "All of our best for children!" took place.
                  In the Borisov city (Belarus), on International Children's Day, the women's group of Project Kesher aided the Jewish community "Menorah Light" in organizing and holding a charity drive.