International Conference "Jews in the Post-Soviet Space: Experience, Problems, Achievements" Opens in Riga
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                  International Conference "Jews in the Post-Soviet Space: Experience, Problems, Achievements" Opens in Riga


                  International Conference "Jews in the Post-Soviet Space: Experience, Problems, Achievements" Opens in Riga

                  On the 22 of May, the International Conference "Jews in the Post-Soviet Space: Experience, Problems, Achievements" opens in Riga, Latvia. The conference and a number of other events are dedicated to the 20 year anniversary of the historical Riga round table "Problems of Soviet Jewry."
                  In 1989, Riga hosted the first pan-USSR meeting of the leaders of independent legal Jewish organizations of the Soviet Union. During that time, the decision to form the Pan-USSR Vaad was made. Thus, it can be said that this event in Riga marked the beginning of the independent Jewish community in the USSR.
                  After twenty years, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), the largest continental section of the World Jewish Congress, whose leadership involved the Jewish leaders who revived the community structure in the late 1980's, and the Council of the Jewish Communities of Latvia, are holding a series of events dedicated to the 20 year anniversary of the Pan-USSR Round Table "Problems of Soviet Jewry." The jubilee events involve an International scientific and practical conference, meetings with the participants of the historic Round Table, speeches of experts on various aspects of Jewish life in the post-Soviet space, discussions, tours in Riga, and a cultural program. The goal of the event is a systematic analysis of the 20-year path undertaken by the Jewish communities of the former USSR. The various aspects of Jewish life in post-Soviet space to be talked about by the experts include: demographic, sociological, the state of community life, Jewish studies, Jewish education, restitution, social defense, anti-Semitism, Jewish publishing, and so on.
                  It is planned that in December, 2009, events dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the First Congress of the Vaad of USSR will take place in Moscow under the aegis of the EAJC. In Riga, it is planned to analyse the path which the Jewish community has undertaken in the last twenty years, in Moscow experts and community leaders plan to look to the future and formulate answers to important challenges before the Jewry in post-Soviet territory.