Delegation of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Visits USA. Visit Chronicle
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                  Delegation of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Visits USA. Visit Chronicle


                  Delegation of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Visits USA. Visit Chronicle

                  May 5th, New York. Chairman of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council Josef Zissels holds meetings with representatives of a row of Jewish organizations, which are interested in the restitution of Jewish community property in Ukraine. Among those present in meeting: Herbert Block (JDC), Caul Kaygun and Arje Buchmeisted (Claims Conference). The participants of the meeting discussed the problems of restituion in Ukraine and the preparation of the international conference "Material Legacy of the Holocaust Epoch," which will take place in Prague at the end of June.
                  May 5th, New York. Chairman of EAJC General Council Josef Zissels meets with Executive Director of the New York Coalition Susan Green, and with the Chairman of the American Forum of Russian-Speaking Jewry Mikhail Nimirovsky.
                  May 5th, New York. Chairman of EAJC General Council Josef Zissels meets with Director of the Russian Department of the American Jewish Committee Sam Kliger.
                  Questions connected to the joint actions of the respective two organizations aimed at removing the Jackson-Vanik Amendment from the Kazakhstan Republic.
                  6-8th of May, Washington DC. EAJC Delegation consisting of Secretary-General of the Congress Michael Chlenov, Josef Zissels, Jamal Adjiashvili, and Guram Batiashvili takes part in American Jewish Committee convention.
                  May 7th, Washington DC. Chairman of the EAJC General Council Josef Zissels meets with Executive Director of the National Conference(NCSJ) Mark Levin. Questions related to the upcoming visit of the NCSJ delegation to Ukraine were discussed, as well as joint actions aimed at the removal of the Jackson-Vanik Amendment from the Republic of Kazakhstan.
                  May 7th, Washington DC. Chairman of the EAJC General Council Josef Zissels meets with Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the USA Erlan Idrisov. Questions related to EAJC efforts to remove the Jackson-Vanik Amendment from the Republic of Kazakhstan were discussed.