Joint Meeting of Presidium and Board of Directors of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress takes place in Moscow
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Joint Meeting of Presidium and Board of Directors of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress takes place in Moscow


                  April 28, 2009 joint meeting of the Presidium and the Board of Directors of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) took place in Moscow. Vice-Presidents of the EAJC Yuriy Raskin, Mark Shabad, Grigoriy Shtulberg and David Yakobashvili; members of the Board from Russia (Moscow and regions), Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Israel, and The Secretary General Michael Chlenov were present.
                  The special feature of this meeting was participation of EAJC President Aleksander Mashkevich and the Chairman of the EAJC General Council Joseph Zisels over the Internet conference. The “Video Port” software and hardware system was used to set it up.
                  The meeting took place the day before the State of Israel's Independence Day. In the beginning the participants stressed the importance of this event for the Jewish people.
                  Vice President Yuriy Raskin briefed the congregation on the implementation of the “Development” project and the role of the Board of Directors.
                  Chairman of the General Council Joseph Zisels presented report on the last year's results and the EAJC plans for 2009 in the field of charitable work.
                  The Secretary General Michael Chlenov reviewed issues of the organization's political activites and latest events in international life. In particular, he gave detailed analysis of EAJC position on the recent Geneva conference against racism (i.e. “Durban-2”.)
                  EAJC Vice Presidents M. Shabad and D. Yakobashvili, Chairman of the Board of Directors L. Gandelman described their position on Jewish charity. In the discussion that followed Board's members exchanged views about main directions of EAJC work, and gave their recommendations to the Congress leaders on how to improve the organization and what it does. In turn, Presidium members proposed concrete measures in the sphere of mutual work on effective realization of the organizational goals.
                  The President of the Congress Aleksander Mashkevich in his speech discussed several important issues of international and charitable activities, and thanked the members of the Board of Directors for their active participation in the work of EAJC.
                  One of the pleasant moments was the award ceremony, where L. Gandelman received a medal and EAJC award certificate for his enormous contribution to the preservation of Jewish cultural heritage and the development of modern community life.
                  At the meeting's conclusion members of the Board of Directors discussed issues related to the development of economic crisis, current situation at the world financial markets and their commercial interests.

                  EAJC Public Relations Department