Commentary of the EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov on the Geneva 'Durban II' conference
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                  Commentary of the EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov on the Geneva 'Durban II' conference


                  Commentary of the EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov on the Geneva 'Durban II' conference

                  The website published a comment of the Secretary General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Michael Chlenov on the United Nations Conference Against Racism (the so-called “Durban II” conference), which started work in Geneva on the 20th of April.
                  Michael Chlenov said that the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress published an appeal, which was sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of various countries. According to the EAJC Secretary General, "We are calling for not allowing a repeat of the events of the first such conference in Durban in 2001. We are not calling for a boycott, but we do think that it would be the best option." Michael Chlenov said that the EAJC conducted meetings in diplomatic agencies of the countries of its region – Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Belarus. "We expressed the opinion of the Jewish communities – a call to at least reduce the level of representation of the countries in this region, if there is no possibility to refuse to participate in it." Stated the Secretary General.
                  According to Michael Chlenov, "The situation there is fairly difficult, especially in connection with the visit of Ahmadinzhad to Geneva, who is planning to make a speech." "It is bad that the final document of today's conference begins with an affirmation of the resolution of the Durban conference. I would like to remind that this document was published only a few days before the terroristic acts of Septermber 11, 2001. Many people noticed the connection between these two events." Michael Chlenov noted.