EAJC Awards Take Place in Yuzhno-Sahalinsk and Moscow
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                  EAJC Awards Take Place in Yuzhno-Sahalinsk and Moscow


                  EAJC Awards Take Place in Yuzhno-Sahalinsk and Moscow

                  Under instructions from the President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Alexander Mashkevich, the ceremonies of awarding EAJC medals took place in Yuzhno-Sahalinsk and Moscow.
                  The Chairman of the Russian Union of Former Under-Age Prisoners of Fascist Concentration Camps presented the Governor of the Sahalinskiy region Alexander Horoshavin with a medal and a diploma of the EAJC as a sign of gratitude and the recognition of his contribution to the preservation of memory about the heroes and victims of the Great Patriotic War, and for the organization of the International Conference "The Second World War Through the Eyes of Children–Former Prisoners of Fascist Concentration Camps." The international conference gathered around 200 people, among whom were representatives of city and regional authorities, heads of departments, veterans of the Great Patriotic War from the Sahalinsky region, former child-prisoners of fascist concentration camps.
                  In Moscow, the Secretary General of the International League of Smaller (Indigenous) Peoples and Ethnic Groups Evdokia Gaer was presented with an EAJC medal and diploma because of her great contribution to the preservation of the culture and indigenousness of the peoples of the North, and on the occasion of her 75th anniversary. The ceremony took place on the official opening of the Conference dedicated to public health among the people of the North, organized by the Rerich Museum.
                  Evdokia Alexandrovna Gaer is also active in politics, community, and science, is a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of the Natural Sciences, and a known human rights activist. She has been presented with the honorable decoration of the RANS "For Merit in the Development of Science and Economics," the RANS medal named after Peter the Great, the medal of the International Academy of Natural and Social Sciences "On Merit in the Task of the Revival of the Russian Economy."
                  EAJC PR Department