Pesach Greetings from the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Pesach Greetings from the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress


                  Pesach Greetings from the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress

                  Dear Friends!
                  Pesach is one of the most ancient and venerable Jewish holidays. It has a special meaning, and symbolizes the freeing of our people from slavery and the beginning of new life according to the laws of freedom, solidarity, and unity of all Jews.
                  Today, Pesach means first and foremost inner freedom from slavish dependence on circumstances, hope of a quick triumph over material hardship created by the world economic crisis, and complete freedom to return to our native Land–a return home, even if the road to this return might take several decades.
                  From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you with the holiday of Pesach, and wish for your Pesach Seder to take place among the closest and most devoted friends and family!
                  Happy Holiday to you!
                  Hag Pesach kosher ve-sameach!
                  Alexander Mashkevich
                  President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress