Festival of Jewish Culture Named After Scholom-Aleichem Took Place in Chernygov
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                  Festival of Jewish Culture Named After Scholom-Aleichem Took Place in Chernygov


                  Festival of Jewish Culture Named After Scholom-Aleichem Took Place in Chernygov

                  On the 18th of March, 2009, the 5th yearly Chernigov city festival of Jewish culture named after Scholom-Aleichem took place. The organizators were traditionally the city council and the Jewish community of Chernigov, led by its chairman – member of the General Council of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Semen Belman.
                  The festival program included literary exhibitions, a scientific conference, and concerts.
                  During the festival, the book "Jewish Population of Left-Bank Ukraine During the Second Hal d of the XIX-beginning of the XX century" by Morozova A.V. Was presented. Semen Belman thanked the 'Duh I Litera' publishing house, as well as the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress for help in the publication of the book.
                  On photo: chairman of the leadership of the Chernigov Regional Union of Jewish Communities and Organizations, Member of the EAJC General Council Semen Belman