Eurasia's Main Jew Gathers Millions for Israel and Finances Book of Shas Leader
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                  Eurasia's Main Jew Gathers Millions for Israel and Finances Book of Shas Leader


                  Eurasia's Main Jew Gathers Millions for Israel and Finances Book of Shas Leader

                  The President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Alexander Mashkevich told the IzRus portal about his visit to the USA, during which he was "surprised by the absolute certainity of Americans that their country will come out of the crisis after Barack Obama's election." In New York, Mashkevich received the support of the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon in projects for Jewish-Muslim dialogue in the EAJC line.
                  As the head of the Congress noted, the "Program of Tolerance" in children's camps will be continued. In 5 countries – Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Russia, and Kazakhstan – children live together 30 days in a row, do presentations of religions and national traditions. "These children will grow up without fears and will be able to become leaders in their countries," says Mashkevich.
                  He believes that the world of Jewish philanthropy will not fall due to the crisis. "People become rich only through the Divine Will, to be instruments for charity," the famous businessman and sponsor stated. When speaking on post-effects of the crisis, he hinted that "new people will come, the Almighty will give others the possibility to be charitable."
                  Alexander Mashkevich called it "outrageous and wrong" that the leaders of Russian Jewry did not support Israel with public statements and actions of solidarity during the "Cast Lead" operations. It is notable that the EAJC published a statement on its full support of Israel in its battle with the terror of HAMAS as early as the second day of the war. The President of the EAJC himself helps the hospitals and schools of Israel. In the city of Sderot he finances the repair of buildings and the creation of bomb shelters. For these efforts, the mayor of Sderot awarded Mashkevich with a medal.
                  As Mashkevich is also the President of "Keren HaYesod" in the CSI, he announced to IzRus that: "This fund is one of the most important organizations to support Israel. More and more people donate to its cause. The crisis will be felt, but the people will help." According to his worlds, in 2008 the fund gathered several million dollars in the CSI region.
                  According to information that the IzRus portal received from the Public Relations Department of the EAJC, Alexander Maskevich gave financial aid to the new edition of the book "Maor Israel" by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. In the foreword to his book, the Rabbi Ovadia Yosef expressed his gratitude to the EAJC leader. According to the Rabbi's opibion, Mashkevich "has done a lot for Torah and the Jewish religion throughout the world." The title of the book ("The Lamp of Israel") is also one of Rabbi Ovadia's titles in the circle of his supporters.
                  During the Kazakhstan multi-millionaire's meeting with the spiritual leader of the Shas party, the idea of creating the "Rabbinical Center of Israel" was discussed. This center would unite all Israel Rabbis under the leadership of the main spiritual leaders of the country. The new center will act outside Israel, as well, promoting the causes of "uniting Jewish organizations in diaspora countries for the collective solution of problems Jewry is faced with." In essence, the idea is of a new grandiose project to create support for over a thousand Rabbis, who receive their pay in the cities and local councils of Israel. Mashkevich decided to support Rabbi Ovadia Yosef's project. Thus, the President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress might receive a powerful tool to influence the establishment of official Judaism, both in Israel and in the Diaspora.
                  Shimon Briman