Editorial staff of eajc.org on the information about the “pogrom” in Sumgait.
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                  Editorial staff of eajc.org on the information about the “pogrom” in Sumgait.


                  Editorial staff of eajc.org on the information about the "pogrom" in Sumgait.

                  The editorial staff of eajc.org has thoroughly checked the information on the supposed attack on Jews on the night of the 10th of February in the Azerbaijan city of Sumgait, which was published by a number of mass media. Reportedly, after being incited by the local Muslim clergy, the attackers invaded the houses and apartments of Jews, beat and robbed them. According to this information, 12 or more victims were hospitalized in Sumgait and Baku.
                  The editorial staff has contacted the rabbis and community leaders of Baku and Sumgait, the security department of the Embassy of the State of Israel in Azerbaijan, the workers of law enforcement agencies, and the representatives of the Jewish Agency. All of our informants categorically denied the reported attacks on Jews. The chairman of the Sumgait Jewish community especially stressed the friendly and warm relationship that had formed between the Jews and the leaders of the local Muslim community. Nothing similar to the attacks had been registered in incident reports. Local officials and the Muslim clergy of Sumgait have officially refuted this information. A search for the source of the report allows us to state that it had originally been anonymously published in the Internet, and was spread only through the uncritical actions of certain mass media, which reprinted this information without checking it.