EAJC statement in connection with terrorist act in Mumbai.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC statement in connection with terrorist act in Mumbai.


                  EAJC statement in connection with terrorist act in Mumbai

                  With pain and anger did the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) apprehend the reports from India of a monstrous act of terrorism which carried away more than one hundred lives and injured over three hundred citizens of India and other countries. Our brothers and sisters were among the hostages taken during the well-planned evil act.
                  Unable to acquiesce with such crimes, EAJC resolutely declares that terror cannot be justified and, especially, can have no political perspective.
                  We are convinced that the world community will be irreconcilable towards terror, and that the law enforcement bodies of India will stop the actions of extremists in their country.
                  We express solidarity to the Indian government, which is doing everything within its power to suppress the actions of terrorists and to ensure the safety of citizens, despite the losses.
                  We present our condolences to the family and friends of those who have suffered in this brutal crime. It is our firm belief that the guilty will incur their deserved punishment.

                  Alexander Machkevich,
                  President of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  President of the Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan

                  Mikhail Chlenov,
                  Secretary General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  President of the Vaad of Russia

                  Josef Zissels,
                  Chairman of the General Council of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress,
                  Chairman of the Vaad of the Ukraine