Caucasus, August 14, 2008. Chronicle. EAJC Participation in Humanitarian Projects.
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                  Caucasus, August 14, 2008. Chronicle. EAJC Participation in Humanitarian Projects.


                  Caucasus, August 14, 2008. Chronicle.
                  EAJC Participation in Humanitarian Projects

                  August 14. Vladikavkaz. Information on the fate of the Jews from South Ossetia was being gathered all day long. According to specified data, before the hostilities started no more than 13 members of the community could be there in Tskhinvali. At present, precise location of 5 of them is known, they are in Vladikavkaz.
                  Present location of other community members who could be in South Ossetia when military actions broke out is unknown.
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) is following the events in the conflict zone and continues search for possible victims. As far as it can be said, at present the situation on the region seems to settle, and representatives of international organizations are there in Tskhinvali (specifically Human Rights Watch). HRW has published a report today (, which confirms numerous victims among civilians and combatants in Tskhinvali. The numbers of killed as 1600-2000, which were pronounced by the Russian and Ossetia authorities, have not been confirmed yet, though. Tens of dead and hundreds of wounded is a more probable estimation.
                  By order of EAJC Secretary General Mikhail Chlenov the Moscow office of EAJC transferred to the local Jewish community the first tranche of the assigned beneficent assistance. The Kiev office of EAJC will send examples of questionnaires to describe the situations of the refugees. A commission created by the local community will distribute the EAJC assistance any time soon.
                  August 13-14. EAJC General Council Chairman Joseph Zissels had telephone talks with the representatives of the "Native", Sohnut and Joint, who at present are visiting places of concentration of refugees form the conflict zone, and settled arrangements on coordinating efforts and exchanging information.
                  August 14. Tbilisi. On the initiative of EAJC representatives in Georgia Elena Berkovich and Guram Batiashvili a commission was created that started questioning and checking the situation of refugees from Gori. Criteria for assistance were elaborated; the commission has filled in 35 questionnaires. Altogether 170 refugees are registered at the moment.
                  The Gori Jewish community chairman and Sohnut coordinator Beso Manasherov and the gabbai of the Gori synagogue M. Baazashvili took part in composing and specifying lists of refugees, including data provided by the EAJC General Council member Elena Berkovich. A protocol was composed, lists worked off, and documents prepared for proceeding with financial assistance to the Jewish refugees from Gori. Names of repatriates to Israel for 17, 19, and 21 of August were specified. 60 more people are waiting for repatriation, and other documents are being examined by the consul.
                  Elena Berkovich has visited the refugees in the republican hospital and in different hotels of the town. She had telephone conversations with the Jews who stayed in Gori. They say they do not leave their homes because they hear shots all around.
                  Sohnut reports that 10 refugees have left for Israel today (that makes 44 since the conflict started).
                  J.Zissels made arrangements with the Georgian partners of EAJC on immediate financial assistance to the sufferers of the conflict. Before the finances assigned by EAJC leaders will have arrived, the money will be provided by the Moscow and Kiev EAJC offices.
                  On August 15 the EAJC Tbilisi commission will start payments for refugees form Gori.