Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Delegation Visit to Washington.
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                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Delegation Visit to Washington.


                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Delegation Visit to Washington

                  The program of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) delegation visit to Washington reserved special place for meetings with representatives of the US state authorities. The delegation was headed by Alexander Machkevitch.
                  At the reception in the museum estate Hillwood which was organized by the National Conference on Soviet Jewry (NCSJ) Machkevitch met with Sam Brownback, the Kansas Senator.
                  During the NJSC Board session, where A.Machkevitch was presented the "Torch of Liberty" award, he met William Burns, Under-Secretary of State on international issues and former Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA to Russia.
                  Together with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Kazakhstan to the USA Erlan Idrisov A.Machkevitch visited Frank R.Lautenberg, New Jersey Senator. Lautenberg works in various commissions on budget, assignations, environment, trade, science, transport, and public works.
                  After receiving the NCSJ award "Torch of Liberty" and signing the Partnership agreement with the American Jewish Committee (AJC) Machkevitch was invited to the reception by the Nevada congresswoman Shelley Berkley. The reception was attended by a large group of US congressmen and Ambassador of Kazakhstan in the USA Erlan Idrisov. Sh.Berkley not only works in Congress commissions, but she also is one of the founders of The Israel Project - international non-profit organization that works with the world community promoting ideas of Israeli security, peace and freedom in the Middle East in mass media. The Israel Project provides politicians, public figures, and journalists with the objective information. A.Machkevitch and EAJC where he presides productively collaborated with this institution during the second Lebanese war demonstrating to the CIS journalists the aftermaths of the artillery attacks on the Northern cities of Israel by the extremists of "Hezbollah".
                  Various questions of business and humanitarian collaboration on the international level were raised during the meetings with senators and congressmen, including detailed discussion on the effects of Jackson-Vanik amendment and monitoring Anti-Semitism in the countries where EAJC works.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department