Federal Jewish National Cultural Autonomy Council / EAJC Participation.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Federal Jewish National Cultural Autonomy Council / EAJC Participation.


                  Federal Jewish National Cultural Autonomy Council / EAJC Participation
                  Moscow, Russia

                  An extended Council of the Federal Jewish National Cultural Autonomy (FENKA) was held in Moscow on March 3, 2008, which was attended by the FENKA Council members and the leaders of 17 regional national cultural autonomies. The meeting discussed issues of development of the interaction among the regional and local national cultural authorities, extension of the regional autonomies' participation in the FENKA activities, and also trasformation of the Federal Jewish National Cultural Autonomy into the real ground for the interaction of different Jewish organizations.
                  The FENKA Council decreed to conduct the regular Conference of the Federal Jewish National Cultural Autonomy session in the autumn of 2008, and the organizing committee was formed. It includes the FENKA Council members and some regional leaders.
                  The members of the Council stated that during the five years since the last Conference the regional Jewish national cultural autonomies have increased their numbers from seven to forty, thus turning Federal Jewish National Cultural Autonomy into a serious organization with extensive infrastructure.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department