Jewish Agency "Sohnut" forum / EAJC participation.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Jewish Agency "Sohnut" forum / EAJC participation.


                  Jewish Agency "Sohnut" forum / EAJC participation
                  Ukraine, Kyiv, February 2008.

                  Forum of the Israeli envoys to the CIS countries was opened on February 3, in the Galitskaya synagogue, Kyiv. The Forum was attended by the Jewish Agency (Sohnut), leaders of the Jewish community of the Ukraine, leaders of the "Keren ha-Yesod" foundation, Israeli ambassador to the Ukraine Zina Kalai-Klaitman, Israeli ambassadors to the other CIS countries.
                  Forum concentrated on the questions of the reduction of repatriation to Israel, improvement of the Jewish education in CIS, problems of Anti-Semitism.
                  The President of the Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko had a meeting with the Jewish Agency "Sohnut" General Council Chairman Zeev Belsky.
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) President addressed the delegates with a greeting.
                  The EAJC President A. Machkevitch address to the Jewish Agency forum delegates

                  Dear friends and colleagues!
                  Let me greet the highest assembly on behalf of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), which unites Jewish organizations and communities of three continents. It is the first time that the representatives of the state of Israel and of the CIS Jewish Diaspora meet face to face like that.
                  Our conference takes place in the capital of the new Ukraine, where of memory of Baby Yar is sacred, and it convinces us that Holocaust will never be repeated. Our conference takes place in the year when Israel counts 60 years, in the day - anniversary of fifth Aliya, and it convinces us that the existence of Jewish state will never become an issue in the world's agenda, whatever our foes believe.
                  We have lots to say to each other, and last years' experience showed that we have lots to do together.
                  On behalf of EAJC, which is active in the field of people diplomacy since its foundation, I greet ambassadors extraordinary and plenipotentiary of the state of Israel. I greet the leaders of the Jewish Agency for Israel and Keren Hayesod, our longtime partners. It is because of this partnership that today every family in any country, where our Congress performs, has relatives or close friends in Israel. I greet rabbis working with us to make sanctities of the Jewish traditions integral with the sanctities of the land of Israel in the heart of every Jew of our Diaspora. I greet the representatives of state authorities and leaders of the Jewish organizations and communities of CIS, who do everything to ensure, that relationships between the Jews of Diaspora and the state of Israel bring peace and accord to all the people, among whom the Jews reside. Let such meetings become a permanent institution of our partnership, and let Jerusalem, the only and inseparable capital of the state of Israel, be not just a mark on a geographic map, but a spiritual capital of all the Jewry. Im eshkaheh Ierushalaim - tishkah yamini!
                  I want to wish you all health and success.
                  I am sincerely convinced that our Conference will give us a new creative impulse for the wellbeing of the Jewish people and the state of Israel.
                  Am Israel hai!
                  Medinat Israel hai!
                  Eretz Israel hai!
                  Alexander Machkevitch
                  EAJC President