World Jewish Congress (WJC) Governing Board meeting / EAJC participation.
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                  World Jewish Congress (WJC) Governing Board meeting / EAJC participation.


                  World Jewish Congress (WJC) Governing Board meeting / EAJC participation
                  Israel, Jerusalem, January 2008.

                  World Jewish Congress (WJC) Governing Board meeting was held in Jerusalem on January 27-29.
                  More than 130 delegates and observers attended the event, among them the delegation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) with the EAJC President Alexander Machkevitch as its head. The delegation consisted of EAJC Vice-President Mark Shabad, EAJC Secretary General Mikhail Chlenov, EAJC General Council Chairman Joseph Zisels, EAJC General Council members Eugenia L'vova (Saint-Petersburgh, Russia), Boris Gersten (Belarus), Jemal Ajiashvili (Georgia), Andrey Kozhar (Slovenia) and others.
                  A.Machkevitch participated in the previous day's session of the WJC Steering Committee. At that session the WJC Governing Board Agenda was approved, Michael Shneider was appointed WJC Secretary General, and Kobi Benatoff (Italy) was appointed the new WJC Policy Council Chairman. The WJC Board carried a resolution on the WJC General Assembly for 2009. The next WJC Governing Board, the time, place and format of the WJC General Assembly is to be announced by the WJC Steering Committee.
                  WJC President Ronald S.Lauder and WJC Board Chairman Mathew E.Bronfman opened the WJC General Council session, during which the President of Israel Shimon Peres, Minister of Foreign Affairs Tzipi Livni, Likud leader Binyamin Netaniyagu and other of Israeli politicians and officials addressed the meeting.
                  On the session there were discussed challenges for the Jewish people associated with the Iranian authorities' position, international terrorism, Anti-Semitism and prospects of relationships of Israel with the Jewish organizations and communities of Diaspora. Special attention was paid to the World Jewish Congress protest against anti-racist conference Durban II planned by the UNO.
                  The delegates agreed upon more frequent contacts and telephone conference consultations.
                  During his stay in Israel EAJC President A.Machkevitch had personal meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, President Shimon Peres and Minister of Infrastructure Binyamin Ben-Eliezer.
                  Chlenov, ho arrived to Israel after participating in the Berlin OSCE session, had personal discussions with Efi Stenfler - the Head of Jewish National Fund (Keren kayemet leisrael) and Rabbi David Rosen - the Chairman of IJCIC (the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations).
                  The EAJC deleagation with its head Machkevitch visited the religious settlement Beitar and took part in the ceremonial welcome arranged by the Beitar Mayor Meir Rubinstein. The delegation visited the school and participated in the opening of the new park in the name of Rachel Machkevitch - the EAJC President mother. Machkevitch was given special awards for his donations to the school and town park, which the Mayor evaluated as serious investments in Israel.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department