"Limmud-FSU 2007" / EAJC Participation
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  "Limmud-FSU 2007" / EAJC Participation


                  "Limmud-FSU 2007" / EAJC Participation
                  KKL-JNF Session / EAJC Participation
                  Moscow area, Russia, October 18-21, 2007

                  On October 18-21, 2007, the "Limmud-FSU 2007" conference of Jewish learning and community building held in the Pokrovskoe resort near Moscow as a part of the world Limmud Jewish youth program.
                  Several hundred of participants and guests from tens of countries gathered to attend the meetings, lectures and panel discussions of the forum, led by the "Limmud-FSU" Co-Chairmen: Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Secretary General Michael Chlenov (Russia) and international Zionist movement leader Chaim Chesler (Israel).
                  The EAJC President Alexander Machkevitch greeted the participants with his speech. He also met with other Jewish leaders, who were present at the conference.
                  They include: World Jewish Congress Secretary General Michael Schneider, JAFI and WZO Chairman of the Executive Zeev Bielski, World ORT Director General Robert Singer, B'nai B'rith International Executive Vice-President Dan Mariaschin, NCSJ Chairman Edward Robin, European Jewish Congress and Russian Jewish Congress President Moshe Kantor, Nativ Chairman Naomi Ben Ami, and Israeli Ambassador to Russia Anna Azari.
                  The World Congress of Russian Jewry Moscow Branch Director Matvey Chlenov, Federal Jewish Ethnic-Cultural Autonomy of Russia Director General Eugenia Mikhaleva, Vaad of Russia Executive Director Diana Salganik, Rabbi-in-Chief of Russia Alexander Liskovoy (Reform Judaism), Rabbi-in-Chief of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt (KEROOR), Holocaust Foundation Executive Director Ilya Altman and others also took part in the conference.
                  During the "Limmud-FSU 2007", a session of the KKL-JNF Russian section was held in Pokrovskoe under the leadership of the KKL-JNF World Chairman Efi Stenzler (Israel) and EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov, the KKL-JNF Co-Chairman in Russia.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department