EAJC Delegation Visit to the Russian Far East.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Delegation Visit to the Russian Far East.


                  EAJC Delegation Visit to the Russian Far East
                  Russia, September 4-9, 2007

                  On September 4-9, 2007, the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) delegation, led by the EAJC Secretary General, Federal Jewish Ethnic-Cultural Autonomy of Russia (FENKA) and Vaad of Russia President Michael Chlenov, visited the Russian Far East.
                  Upon the arrival to Khabarovsk City, the delegation was received by the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) Khabarovsk branch Head Raffael Heltzer and Jewish leaders. The same kind of meetings took place later in the city of Vladivostok.
                  Prof. Chlenov called on local Jewish organizations and communities and talked to their leaders. In Khabarovsk City, in particular, he met with Semen Meyerov of the "Aviv" Jewish Religious Community, Mark Arshinsky of the "Mizrah" Jewish Religious Community and Stella Roud of the Jewish Ethnic-Cultural Autonomy of Khabarovsk City. In Vladivostok, Chlenov talked to Yuri Rabinovich of the "Askold" Jewish Religious Community, r. Yisroel Silberstein of the Jewish Religious and Cultural Center of Vladivostok and Grigory Klebanov of the Primorye Jewish Ethnic-Cultural Autonomy.
                  The delegation proceeded to Birobidzhan, the Jewish Autonomous Region of Russia (JAR) capital, to attend the IX International Jewish Culture and Arts Festival, which was co-sponsored by the EAJC.
                  The EAJC Secretary General within the event in Birobidzhan held meetings with the JAR Governor Nikolai Volkov, the JAR Government Vice-Chairman Valery Gurevich and Igor Gluhovskiy, the Council of the Federation (Upper Chamber of the Russian Parliament) member, representing the JAR. The parties discussed prospects for co-operation between JAR, EAJC, FENKA and Vaad of Russia.
                  Michael Chlenov and Roman Spektor, the delegation member and the Vaad of Russia Vice-President, within the "The Birobidzhan Project: Experience of Ethnic and Cultural Cooperation and Development" Conference delivered "Territorial, National and Cultural Autonomy in Russia - Opportunities for Cooperation" (Chlenov) and "Birobidzhan - Terra Incognita" (Spektor) reports.
                  The delegation also visited "Beit Tshoova" (headed by Dov Kofman) and "Freud" (r. Mordechay Sheiner) Jewish religious communities of Birobidzhan. Besides, scientists from the Heilongjiang Province Academy of Social Sciences Harbin Jewish Research Center (China), who participated in the festival as well, presented their activities to the EAJC Secretary General.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department