Resolutions Of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress General Assembly (EAJC GA).
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Resolutions Of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress General Assembly (EAJC GA).


                  GENERAL ASSEMBLY (EAJC GA)
                  (Jerusalem, June 24-25th, 2007)

                  The final resolution of EAJC GA

                  Delegates of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress General Assembly (GA) representing Jewish communities of 25 countries of Eurasia and Asian-Pacific region held on June 24-25th, 2007 in Jerusalem state that EAJC has convincingly shown the viability and efficiency as the organization adequately representing interests of Jewish people in Eurasia and Asian-Pacific region.
                  Delegates of EAJC GA considered and approved the reports of the President, the Secretary General and General Council Chairman.
                  During the work of EAJC GA joint working sessions with the Jewish Agency and Knesset Commission on Aliyah, Absorption and Communications with Diaspora were held. Meetings of EAJC President and leadership with Israeli MFA Tzipi Livni; Israeli Minister of Industry, Trade and Employment Eli Yishay; Israeli Minister of National Infrastructure Benjamin Ben-Eliezer; Israeli Minister of Strategic Planning Avigdor Liberman and Israeli Minister of Pensioners' Affairs Rafi Eitan were also held within the scope of EAJC GA agenda.
                  Delegates of EAJC GA have visited the city of Sderot and expressed solidarity with city dwellers suffering from constant bombardments within six years.
                  Regarding internal affairs of the Congress EAJC GA has concluded the following:
                  - approved decisions of General Council developed during 2002-2007, on new members' acceptance by the EAJC;
                  - discussed and has approved amendments to EAJC Charter, optimizing work of the Congress;
                  - re-elected the President and General Council (GC), approved GC Chairman, the Secretary General and the Treasurer.
                  Delegates of EAJC GA believe that the Congress will continue its work for the benefit of Jewish people.
                  EAJC GA resolution

                  Having considered the report of EAJC Secretary General regarding the issue of membership of Jewish communities of various countries in regional structures, EAJC came to the following conclusions:
                  If a country has several centralized Jewish organizations the Jewish community of the country is included into a regional structure, which includes the majority of such organizations. The decision of any organization regarding transition to another regional structure does not presume automatic transition of the Jewish community of the given country to another regional structure.
                  EAJC GA resolution

                  We, the delegates of EAJC GA representing 25 countries of Europe and Asian-Pacific region, express resolute indignation of bombardments of the city of Sderot by Palestinian terrorists proceeding during six years, which makes impossible a normal life in city.
                  We call for the termination of this brazen violation is international rules of law. As a first step in this direction we suggest to raise the question regarding the city of Sderot at negotiations of the "The Quartet on the Middle East".
                  EAJC GA resolution
                  on elimination of discrimination concerning former ghetto and concentration camps' prisoners residing in the CIS

                  Delegates of EAJC GA address to the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany (Claims Conference) with the requirement to adopt, at last, the fair decision, concerning several thousand former ghetto and nazi concentration camps' prisoners.
                  It is a matter of not only the legal or political aspect regarding payment of indemnifications, but, first of all, it is the matter of moral aspect, regarding fairness to victims of the Holocaust which live in the CIS countries. The Jews who have gone through the Holocaust in these countries are the most poor in the world.
                  The "Consumer's basket" assumed as a basis for calculation of indemnification amounts does not provide even the most minimal needs for food stuffs and disregards medicine and health services.
                  The standard of life and public support to nazi victims in these countries is much lower, than in the USA, Canada, Australia and the EU countries (including new EU members), while inflation is high, costs of consumer goods, residence, municipal services, medicines and medical treatments are almost identical, and a level of social services is much more lower and worse.
                  The size of their monthly indemnification is 2 times less, than in Americas, Western Europe, Australia and Israel. Such a situation is a result of non-transparent activity of Claims Conference organizational structures. Management of the Claims Conference does not include representatives of former ghetto and nazi concentration camps' prisoners from the CIS - members of the Jewish International Union's Council - former fascism prisoners - Belarus, Moldova, Russia, Ukraine, the territories from which occupation the Holocaust has begun.
                  As well as during the "cold war" these people have become hostages of political forces and organizations (including, unfortunately, Claims Conference), which have not changed their attitude to us, have not considered changes in the world, including the Jewish world, and in international movement of Holocaust victims.
                  Double standards depending on a place of the former nazi concentration camps and a ghetto prisoners' residence are used. Holocaust victims have appeared to be divided into two categories, and after entrance of some Central and Eastern European countries to the European Union - into three categories - victims of the first, second and third grades, and the sufferings of the last group were evaluated as less significant than sufferings of the first. The explanation of this absurd by the difference in cost of "consumer's basket" in "Western" and "Eastern" countries has neither legal nor moral justification, and is no supported by elementary logic. In a view of rapid growth of costs of living in the CIS countries during the last years, it turns out to bear political discrimination character.
                  The Jewish International Union's Council - former fascism prisoners, national and regional organizations of former ghetto and concentration camps' prisoners have repeatedly addressed Claims Conference, insisting on necessity of elimination of double standards and discrimination regarding indemnification payments to Holocaust victims residing in the former USSR countries. Five letters with relevant resolutions of International conferences have been sent throughout October 2000 - May 2006. It was pointed out in the letters, that former prisoners of a ghetto and nazi concentration camps are idle pensioners which middle age exceeds 75 years.
                  Discrimination of former prisoners of nazism should be eliminated.
                  The Activity of Claims Conference should be transparent and focused on satisfaction of essential needs of the Holocaust victims not depending on place of their residence and political systems in the respective countries.
                  Former prisoners of nazism represnting post-USSR countries should be included in the executive bodies and committees of the Claims Conference.
                  We insist that Claims Conference pay close attention to these matters and elaborated ways of their fast and favorable resolution.