AJC Delegation Visit to Russia.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  AJC Delegation Visit to Russia.


                  AJC Delegation Visit to Russia /
                  EAJC Reception
                  April 8-10, 2007, Moscow, Russia

                  On April 8-10, 2007 the American Jewish Committee (AJC) delegation, one of the prominent US Jewish organizations, arrived with the visit to Russia. The AJC Annual Meetings gather leading American and other nations' politicians. The delegation was headed by AJC Executive Director David Harris and AJC Director of Russian Jewish Community Affairs Sam Kliger.
                  The program of the visit included negotiations with Council of the Federation (Upper Chamber of the Russian Parliament) Chairman Sergey Mironov, Security Council of Russia Secretary Igor Ivanov, Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov, and State Duma (Lower Chamber of the Russian Parliament) Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Konstantin Kosachev. US Ambassador to Russia William Burns received the AJC leaders as well.
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Secretary General Michael Chlenov held a reception in honor of the AJC delegation visit where he introduced his guests to the leaders of the women's organizations of the Russian Jewry. There were present Ms. Irina Shcherban (Chavah International Movement of Jewish Women Chairperson and the Moscow Jewish Campus (MJC) Director), Ms. Diana Salganik (Vaad of Russia Executive Director), Ms. Svetlana Yakimenko ("Project Kesher" International Organization of the Jewish Women Director), and Ms. Victoria Mochalova ("Sefer" Center for University Teaching of Jewish Civilization Director).
                  Besides, leading women of the Jewish organizations were represented by Ms. Eugenia Mikhaleva (Federal Jewish Ethnic-Cultural Autonomy (FJECA) of Russia Executive Director), Ms. Natasha Schmidt (EAJC Moscow Office Executive Director), Ms. Svetlana Muterperel (Phoenix Charity Foundation Chairperson), and Ms. Rivka Kuznetsova (JAFI in Russia Public and Cultural Relations Department Coordinator).
                  The reception was attended by World Congress of Russian Jewry (WCRJ) Moscow Branch Director Matvey Chlenov and Russian Jewish Congress (RJC) Executive Vice-President Nickolay Propirny.
                  AJC Executive Director David Harris delivered a speech in Russian. He spoke about the goals of the visit which, among others, included discussion on the prospects of the Iran nuclear program with the Russian officials.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department