Jewish Leader from CIS Gets Major U.S. Jewish Award.
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                  Jewish Leader from CIS Gets Major U.S. Jewish Award.


                  A ceremony of handing out the awards of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation of New York has ended in the United States. United Jewish Appeal (UJA) Federation of New York is a leading American organization raising means for charity and humanitarian programs for Israel and Jewish Diaspora.
                  UJA Global Leadership Award was for the first time handed out in one of the oldest halls of the New York City, the Cipriani, to Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) President Alexander Machkevitch, the EAJC press center reports. The award was handed to the Congress leader by US Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) in presence of Kanat Saudabayev, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kazakhstan, where the EAJC headquarters are located.
                  Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations Executive Vice Chairman Malcolm Hoenlein and Appeal of Conscience Foundation President, r. Arthur Schneier, who has presented the English edition of Machkevitch's book "Jews and the World", also mentioned the laureate's achievements in their addresses.
                  "In their time, our compatriots in the United States have spared no effort for the Jews in the Soviet Union to have the right to repatriate to their Historical Motherland and to follow the tradition blessed by the Almighty," the EAJC President told reporters after the celebrations were over. "Today, we help the American Jews in their hard task of countering international terrorism. And I am very glad that our contribution is appreciated on the really worldwide scale, which is proved by this award."
                  Also, Machkevitch especially stressed the necessity to broaden the international, inter-ethnical and inter-religious dialogue, in which the EAJC is taking part.
                  "Inter-religious forums that had taken place in Kazakhstan have shown that the dialogue with political and spiritual leaders of the Central Asia creates sound prerequisites for effective peacemaking in the Middle East and in other regions of the planet," the EAJC leader has said. "We can often see representatives of the United States authorities and society at our events. But a lot has to be done to give this cooperation a permanent and systematic nature."

                  The EAJC Public Relations and Media Department MOSNEWS.COM