The Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of the Republic of Moldova and Jewish Congress of Moldova consider.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  The Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of the Republic of Moldova and Jewish Congress of Moldova consider.



                  Romanian press reports regarding to the decision of Bucharest Court of Appeal derogating partially the decision of "Romania National Tribunal" of 1946 and acquitting the military invasion of Ion Antonescu's troops on the territory of Moldova during the World War II were with deep indignation perceived by our community.
                  Bloody traces of fascist's occupation of our country still exists in all districts of Republic of Moldova. Hundred thousands of Jews and people of other nationalities were cruelly exterminated by so called "liberators" in years of fascist's occupation. The criminal actions of Romanian authorities that controlled the territory from Prut till the South Buga during the first period of War were qualified as "crimes against piece and aggression toward the people of Soviet Russia".
                  A deep indignation provokes as well the attempt of judicial authorities on various pretexts to "justify" the crimes of Ion Antonescu and his government. Those crimes took place on the territory of Moldova from June 22 1941 till August 23 1944 when Ion Antonescu was discharged from power and was arrested by order of King Mihai and in 1946 condemned by the "Romania National Tribunal" to death, because of his complicacy to the mass exterminations of Jews during the World War II.
                  The Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of the Republic of Moldova and Jewish Congress of Moldova consider that there are no reasons to avoid the judgment, awarded more than 60 years ago regarding to the case of Romanian fascists leaders. The Verdict of "Romania National Tribunal" was based on tens of thousands incontestable and accusatory documents and attestations. It became a part of universal history as a doubtless proof of aggression against Moldavian people and people of other nationalities leaving on the territory of Moldova.
                  The Association of Jewish Organizations and Communities of the Republic of Moldova highly appreciate good traditions of friendship and cooperation between people of different nationalities and religious, living on the territory of Moldova.
                  We also deeply appreciate brotherly relationships between people of Romania and Moldova and consider that the attempts of some political powers to introduce corrections into universal history and justify assassinations of thousands and thousands peaceful people, genocide of the whole nations, ideology of fascism can not take place in XXI century in a country that have already became a part of European Union.