EAJC condoles with you upon the sudden death of Karol Unger, the Director of Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) Activities in the F
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC condoles with you upon the sudden death of Karol Unger, the Director of Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) Activities in the F


                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) condoles with you upon the sudden death of Karol Unger, the Director of Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) Activities in the FSU.
                  Karol Unger, was one of the most experienced and competitive officials of JAFI. Thanks to his long experience, miracle of the million strong alliyah from USSR became a reality, and Israel accepted it with all dignity.
                  It is also very precious the contribution of Karol Unger into the development of partnership relationships between JAFI and Jewish organizations of Eurasian region, making more strong by this step solidarity of Jews with their State.
                  To become reconciled with such loss is impossible. We are really sad with the death of Karol Unger. We pray God to send console to his family in this tragic moment for all of us.
                  Alexander Machkevich,
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress President
                  The Jewish Congress of Kazakhstan President

                  Mikhail Chlenov,
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Secretary General
                  The President of Vaad of Russia

                  Josef Zissels,
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress General Council Chairman
                  The Chairman of Vaad of Ukraine