Congratulation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Leaders on Hanukkah.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Congratulation of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress Leaders on Hanukkah.



                  Dear colleagues and friends!
                  On behalf of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) that unites Jewish organizations and communities of 3 continents we wish you happy Hanukkah!
                  The holiday appeared in the times when the enemies of Jewish people (Greek and Syrian invaders) decided to annihilate our people, by means of depriving us of our traditions and independence. It was a rebellion against Judofobia that resulted in liberation of Jerusalem Temple and 8 days miracle of Hanukkah candles.
                  Last year Jews again suffered from the anger of spiritual and actual successors of Greek and Syrian invaders that bombed cities and kybutzim in the North of the Israel. We are proud that EAJC really helped to our friends in difficult moments of their lives and we hope that Tzahal as brave Makabbis will liquidate the terror groups, that threaten to the State of Israel and World Community.
                  Hag Sameah!
                  Sincerely yours

                  Alexander Machkevich
                  The EAJC President

                  Mikhail Chlenov
                  The EAJC General Secretary

                  Josef Zissels
                  The EAJC General Council Chairman