A Big Jewish Reception in Moscow.
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                  A Big Jewish Reception in Moscow.



                  Yesterday a formal reception was given by the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) at "The Prague" Restaurant that was devoted to completion of autumn Jewish festivals and the 100th anniversary of the Moscow Choral Synagogue celebrated on that day.
                  Before the reception Alexander Machkevitch, the EAJC President, called these celebrations as "the symbol of the Jews as the chosen people" in his address to the Synagogue where he had a meeting with Ehud Olmert, the Prime Minister of Israel.
                  Having emphasized that for their century's history the Synagogue walls had witnessed Jewish joy and hope, Machkevitch remarked: "However hard our enemies tried to depersonalize the Synagogue and its legendary dome, they didn't succeed. This symbolizes that it is impossible to extinguish the Jewish life". "Let it prosper!" said the EAJC President as he concluded his speech and presented the silver plated Hanukiah as a gift to the Synagogue.
                  The reception mastered by Alexander Levenbook, a people's artist of Russia and the artistic director of the Moscow Shalom Theater, was attended by all notable leaders of Russian Jewry, public officers, the diplomatic corps and traditional confessions. Vitaliy Maschitsky, the EAJC First Vice-President, Alexander Bronshtein, the World Jewish Congress Vice-President and the EAJC Vice-President, Eduard Shifrin, the EAJC Vice-President and the Jewish Confederation of Ukraine Co-Chairman, Josef Zissels, the EAJC General Council Chairman and the Vaad of Ukraine Chairman, Fedor Ossinin, the EAJC Treasurer, Arkadi Gaidamak, the KEROOR President, r. Adolph Shayevich, the EAJC Council of Rabbis Deputy Chairman and the Rabbi-in-Chief of Russia (KEROOR), r. Berl Lazar, the Rabbi-in-Chief of Russia (FEOR), and famous Jewish philanthropist Mark Shabad were also attended.
                  The guests were shown a film about assistance rendered by ЕАJC to the people of the State of Israel during the Lebanon conflict. Haim Abraham, the farther of two killed IDF soldiers, heartily thanked Machkevitch for his assistance and awarded him with a commemorative badge for the assistance rendered to the Israeli.
                  Michael Chlenov, the EAJC Secretary General and the Vaad of Russia President described EAJC activities in the passed year in his brief summary and noted that it was not an easy year for the Jewish people. "We managed to raise money and we rendered assistance to the Israeli who suffered in the Lebanon conflict. At that our visit to Israel standing on the defensive had a rare success", said Chlenov.
                  Alexander Shlimak, the Keren Hayesod/United Israel Appeal (KH/UIA) representative in the CIS and Baltic states said that regional representative offices of the KH/UIA were usually chaired by the most honorable community members. "KH/UIA in the CIS is headed by Alexander Machkevitch, the EAJC President. His assistance and contribution to the affairs of the Jewish state is highly estimated by all. We'll never forget it," said Shlimak presenting him with a memorial menorah.
                  Zeev Elkin, MK (Kadima) stressed the significance of EAJC activity. He also said that the fate of Russian-speaking Jewry is closely related to the fate of Israel.
                  In his speech at the reception Machkevitch remarked that the passed year was tight enough and pointed out that alongside with that the most representatives of the Jewish elite of the post-Soviet area, that he named, had tangibly supported Israel with their donations.
                  R. Pinchas Goldschmidt, the EAJC Council of Rabbis Secretary General and the Rabbi-in-Chief of Moscow, awarded Telman Ismailov, one of the reception organizers and the EAJC Vice-President with the order of the Patron of Arts of Russia for his assistance in restoration of the Moscow Choral Synagogue and vigorous charitable activity. Then r. Moshe-Reuven Asman, the Rabbi-in-Chief of Ukraine handed the Order of the First Temple to Machkevitch.
                  The guests enjoyed performances of the Moscow Shalom Theatre actors, Mitzvah trio under the baton of Victor Lenzon, and Eugene Valevitch, a popular Jewish folk singer.

                  Photo galleryOriginal publication (in Russian)