EAJC to Support Israel.
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                  EAJC to Support Israel.


                  EAJC TO SUPPORT ISRAEL

                  Emergency session of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council that comprised meetings with MKs and Israeli government ministers finalized another stage of campaign for solidarity with the Jewish State launched by the EAJC.
                  During the Lebanon conflict when northern Israeli towns and cities were overwhelmed by Hezbollah terrorists' fire, the Congress set up various support measures. EAJC and Keren Hayesod / United Israel Appeal in the CIS, both headed by Alexander Machkevitch, provided the Israeli people hiding in the bomb-shelters with weekly life support packages. Many donators financed these parcels as a matter of top priority, with the famous Russian businessmen Mark Shabad and Gregory Shtulberg being the first to do so.
                  EAJC General Council members representing Jewish organizations and communities of the CIS, Eastern Europe and Asia-Pacific region arrived to Israel. In the experts' opinion, the EAJC General Council session, that had opened before the ceasefire in Lebanon was the first act of solidarity with Israel that representative.
                  EAJC delegation participated in the activities of the Knesset Committee for Immigration, Absorption, and Diaspora Affairs. MKs thanked the Congress for solidarity and support. They listened to the reports of Euro-Asian Jewish communities' leaders. EAJC leaders told MKs what people from the Jewish communities think and ensured that they support the Jewish state.
                  At the same time a special multilateral program was launched to provide unbiased media covering. EAJC has invited a group of journalists from the CIS and Bulgaria to Israel. After they had visited the attacked venues and met the victims of terrorism, reporters could understand why reactions of the Jewish state to the threats of those who try to demolish it are so staunch.
                  Following the same path, MKs Michael Nudelman, Yosef Shagal and Zeev Elkin visited Russia and Ukraine on the EAJC invitation. They met with the community representatives, state authorities and journalists.
                  The EAJC delegation visited various regions suffered from terror and saw the results of the massive attacks from both Hezbollah and HAMAS with their own eyes.
                  Above that, the delegation visited youth camps where evacuated from the gunned territories kids lived under care of coaches and psychologists. The camps' administration was grateful to the EAJC for its assistance.
                  Participants of the solidarity mission saw their efforts were justified. Mayor of Haifa Yona Yahav, MK Colette Avital and former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Irvin Cotler noted that fact at a special meeting held in the city hall of Haifa, a city that had suffered from the rocket fire.
                  Afterwards EAJC delegation and journalists visited Haifa Rambam Hospital where they met with the doctors and offered presents to the injured.
                  Participants of the solidarity mission also visited pilots from the air facility in the North. EAJC President Alexander Machkevitch received a special reward - Israeli Air Force commemorative medal.
                  Machkevitch discussed international investments to the Israeli postwar future during his meetings with Israeli Minister of National Infrastructure Binyamin Ben-Eliezer and Israeli Minister of Tourism Isaac Herzog.
                  The delegation met with one of the Israeli opposition leaders, MK Avigdor Liberman to get into the details of the current inner politics.
                  "Solidarity with Israel is one of the EAJC priorities, - Machkevitch said after the official talks, - Our solidarity mission will continue to strengthen the understanding between the Jewish state and every part of the world community condemning terrorism that will go any length".
                  Photo gallery: Sem40.ru
                  Original publication (in Russian): Sem40.ru