Alexander Feldman, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, addresses Ukrainian diplomats and foreign-policy makers.
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                  Alexander Feldman, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, addresses Ukrainian diplomats and foreign-policy makers.


                  Alexander Feldman, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, addresses Ukrainian diplomats and foreign-policy makers.
                  In the recent few days we have witnessed extreme aggravation of the Middle East conflict dangerous to the whole world. New explosion of political extremism, organized and spontaneous terror - has overflowed major, in terms of global stability, region of the world. Capture of hostages, murders of civilians, bombardments of cities - is just a brief list of dramatic events which have caused indignations and concern simultaneously.
                  As a deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, vice-president of the International Council of Jewish Parliamentarians of the world (from the CIS and Eurasia) and the President of the Jewish Fund of Ukraine and also as a person who considers, that modern world has faced the threat of global conflict and instability, I address Ukrainian diplomats and foreign policy makers of Ukraine with an appeal to work out position concerning settlement of Middle East crisis.
                  It is my opinion, that today when dozens of civilians are murdered in the military conflict and thousands are endangered, when political extremists challenge international community, and national governments appear unable of controlling them, when the voice of reason and tolerance tries to make the way through waves of hatred and violence - Ukrainian peace-making diplomacy should say its authoritative word.
                  Ukraine should call international community to free the hostages captured by Hezbollah's militants; insist on removal of illegal military formations from the border with Israel and their full disarmament; establish control over territories where extremist formations operate and call for the responsibility those governments which support or sponsor terrorists.
                  Realizing general responsibility for peace and stability all over the world, international community should develop a set of stabilization measures for Middle East which would promote elimination of basis for political radicalism - to poverty, backwardness and hopelessness. It is necessary to give positive alternatives to "revolt of a hopelessness" and "policy of terror" to people, namely: an opportunity to develop the economy, integration into the world of well-being, to form and support civic society.
                  Ukraine as the authoritative peace-making power and active subject of international relations, should use all the available diplomatic opportunities with the purpose of prompt resolution of the Middle East conflict.
                  As the civilized European state - we have no right for silence and inactivity in a present conditions.

                  Alexander Feldman, deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Jewish News