Congratulations of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) leaders to Mark Levin's 25-th anniversary of his activities at the
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Congratulations of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) leaders to Mark Levin's 25-th anniversary of his activities at the



                  Ladies and Gentlemen,

                  Seldom appears an opportunity to assure that we, Jews, are the people of history. This applies not only to that remote retrospective review, from which we draw a life-giving force of our tradition and extract invaluable treasures of cultural heritage. This applies to new time, during which was ripening and tempering our free will of being Jewish, of feeling ourselves an integral part of the international Jewish community, of realizing our inextricable connection with the State of Israel.
                  But today we have exactly such an occasion. The concept of new time is nondescript, but still we, activists, leaders and assignees of the Independent Jewish Movement in the former USSR, can define this period of 35 years by the activity of the National Conference on Soviet Jewry (NCSJ) and by the complete feeling of the real Jewish solidarity, that had increased many times our efforts and without of which it was difficult to imagine our situation today.
                  The names of Shoshanna Cardin and Mark Levin were not only the names of authorities of an empowered organization for us, an organization in which we should apply with some questions or troubles. These names are the names of people, who gave us a helping hand and a hand of friendship among the first, people, who came to our life and our struggle for liberation.
                  They were among the first to accept and put into effect our aspiration to be an independent part of the Jewish world. Unlike many other state, public and international organizations, they have abandoned usual and unfortunate paternalism for us, confirming a real partnership.
                  For twenty-five years Mark Levin has been holding power of NCSJ and however much is called the organization now, for us it'll be always the National Conference, that in our everyday intercourse is connected with the name of Mark Levin. It happens that we inform our colleagues about the events, which the NCSJ had organized or participated with us, and they say "NCSJ? Oh, yeah, that's Mark Levin..."
                  And today, celebrating the twenty-five's anniversary of Mark Levin's activities as the NCSJ Chief Executive Director, let us on behalf of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress wish him health, success and confidence that in that turbulent world we are always together!

                  Alexander Machkevich
                  The EAJC President

                  Mikhail Chlenov
                  The EAJC General Secretary

                  Josef Zissels
                  The EAJC General Council Chairman