Euro-Asian Jewry Leader Awarded by Conference of European Rabbis.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Euro-Asian Jewry Leader Awarded by Conference of European Rabbis.



                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) President Alexander Machkevitch was awarded by the Conference of European Rabbis (CER) session held in London.
                  CER had marked the contribution of Dr. Machkevitch to the integration of Jewish communities in the former Soviet Union and strengthening mutual understanding with Islamic leaders in Central Asia, Azerbaijan and other Muslim countries.
                  "The award signifies European Jewry recognition the uniqueness of their brothers living in the vast territories of our continent", - told the EAJC President to the journalists, - "Euro-Asian Jewry has become a powerful Diaspora, whose partnership is now in the priorities for Europe".
                  In 2004, Dr. Machkevitch had been already awarded by CER in Paris, for his services in the cause of the Jewish tradition preservation and developing dialogue between nations and religions.
                  Together with EAJC President, there were EAJC Council of Rabbis members headed by Rabbi-in-Chief of Moscow Pinchas Goldschmidt, who participated in the session, dedicated to the 50th CER anniversary.
                  "In spite of the forced atheism policy in the past, not only our rabbis had augmented their knowledge, but also had prepared a new generation of spiritual mentors for Jews, who we have brought to London", - said Dr. Machkevitch.
                  He stressed, that issues of medicine and ethics were discussed during the CER session in London, including problems of cloning, AIDS, infertility, keeping fasts and observing prohibitions, etc. Besides the rabbis, there were also leading physicians of Europe who took part in the discussion.
                  Further, Dr. Machkevitch together with Rabbi-in Chief of Great Britain Jonathan Sacks, Rabbi-in-Chief of France Joseph Sitruk and other CER leadership members, had a meeting with the British Prime Minister Tony Blair.

                  Original publication (in Russian):