It was formed Jackson-Vanik Graduation Coalition in USA which consists of public organizations and private companies.
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                  It was formed Jackson-Vanik Graduation Coalition in USA which consists of public organizations and private companies.


                  It was formed Jackson-Vanik Graduation Coalition in USA which consists of public organizations and private companies, On December 23 the Coalition published their statement about situation in Ukraine and dependence of graduation from Jackson-Vanik amendment and antisemitic situation.
                  The Co-Chairs of the Jackson-Vanik Graduation Coalition, Ambassadors Steven Pifer and William Green Miller, criticized the December 20, 2005, statement by the press service of Ukraine’s Inter-Regional Academy of Personnel Management (MAUP), as published on MAUP’s web-site. That statement is factually wrong on several counts.
                  First, the MAUP press statement claims that there is no connection between recent statements by MAUP and efforts in the U.S. House of Representatives to pass legislation to graduate Ukraine from the Jackson-Vanik Amendment. Coalition representatives, however, in recent contacts with Congress have heard considerable concern about the anti-Semitic nature of MAUP statements, in particular those statements expressing MAUP’s support for the Iranian president following his outrageous remarks regarding Israel. There can be no place for anti-Semitism in a modern European democracy.
                  Second, the MAUP press statement attributes several quotes to Mark Levin, Director of the National Conference of Soviet Jewry (NCSJ). Mr. Levin, a very active and supportive member of the Jackson-Vanik Graduation Coalition, has never made such comments. Indeed, he is extremely concerned that recent MAUP statements will weaken support for Jackson-Vanik graduation among those Jewish-American organizations that make up the NCSJ.
                  Third, the MAUP press statement falsely suggests that Ihor Gawdiak, President of the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council, is an opponent of graduating Ukraine from Jackson-Vanik. To the contrary, Mr. Gawdiak has long supported graduating Ukraine from Jackson-Vanik and has been closely involved with the Jackson-Vanik Graduation Coalition since it’s founding. Mr. Gawdiak has criticized earlier MAUP statements precisely because of his outrage at the nature of those statements and because they could delay Jackson-Vanik graduation for Ukraine.

                  MEMBERSHIP LIST
                  December 2005
                  ABEA Ltd.
                  Adams and Reese, LLP
                  AES Corporation
                  Affiliated Appraisers
                  American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine
                  American Jewish Committee
                  American Jewish Congress
                  American International Group (AIG)
                  American Ukrainian Medical Foundation
                  Americans for Human Rights in Ukraine
                  Andrew J. Futey & Associates
                  Arbor View Dental Clinic, Mt. Prospect , IL
                  Archer Daniels Midland Company
                  Aspect Energy, LLC
                  Association for the Democratization of Ukraine
                  Association of American Youth of Ukrainian Descent- ODUM
                  Atlantic Group, Ltd.
                  "Awakening" Independent Film Studio
                  A W and Sons Inc
                  Baker, Donelson, Bearman, Caldwell & Berkowitz
                  Berdyansk Reapers
                  B'nai B'rith International
                  Bolshoi Agrotechnica Machina (BAM) America
                  Borough of Roselle Park, New Jersey
                  BRAMA, Inc.
                  Breakthrough to People Network, Inc.
                  Breeze Ventures Management
                  BSI Group
                  Buckner Orphan Care International
                  Canada-Ukraine Foundation
                  Cape Point Capital Inc.
                  Case New Holland, Inc.
                  Cardinal Resources PLC
                  Cargill Inc.
                  Center for US-Ukrainian Relations, NYC
                  Chadbourne & Parke, LLC
                  Chicago Kyiv Sister Cities Committee
                  Chopivsky Family Foundation
                  Coca-Cola Company
                  Conlan & Associates
                  Council of Ukrainian-American Organizations of Greater Hartford
                  Crestway Manor Apts. LTD
                  Customs, Trade & Risk Management Services, Ltd.
                  David D. Sweere & Sons International, Ltd.
                  Democrats Abroad- Ukraine Chapter
                  Diaspora Enterprise
                  Dr. James Mace, Holodomor-Genocide Memorial Fund
                  Drake Group Holding Corporation
                  Draper Fisher Jurvetson NEXUS
                  Dutko Worldwide
                  ECdata, Inc.
                  Excelsio Communications
                  Exquisite Elixirs, Inc
                  Eye Center of Delaware
                  Floral Designs by Katya, Chicago
                  "Freedom" Ukrainian-American Publishing House
                  Friends of the Ukrainian Bandurist Chorus
                  GN Associates
                  Gold Coast Construction
                  Gold Coast Properties, Inc.
                  Gongadze Foundation
                  Gordon C. James Public Relations
                  Gnxpert Color Inc.
                  Gnxpert Netral Technologies, Inc.
                  GnxTach, Inc.
                  Hamalia South Travel
                  Heller & Rosenblatt Law Firm
                  Heritage Foundation of 1st Security Federal Savings Bank, Chicago
                  Hollywood Trident Foundation
                  Holodomor Survivors, Inc.
                  Inco Americas
                  Independent Voters for Equal Education & Opportunity
                  International Republican Institute
                  International Ukrainian Genocide-Holodomor Committee
                  Irondequoit-Poltava Sister Cities Committee
                  ISTIL (Ukraine)
                  ISTIL Group Inc.
                  Ivan Bahrianyj Foundation, Arlington Heights, IL
                  John A. Wood, Associates Inc.
                  John Deere
                  John Wood Ministries, Inc.
                  Kalik Lewin Law Firm
                  Kyiv-Atlantic Ukraine
                  Kyiv Mohyla Foundation of America
                  Kobzar Society, Ltd.
                  Kraft Foods, Inc.
                  Krislaty Realty Investments
                  Kvazar-Micro Corp.
                  Largo Asset Management, LLC
                  Larry M. Walker Ministries, Inc.
                  L. B. Lyons & Company
                  Lemberg Unternehmensberatung, GmbH
                  Light of Crimea Foundation
                  LPL Financial Services, Inc.
                  MACOIL & Gas International
                  Maple Investments
                  Media Finance Management, LLC
                  Medical Relief Charity Fund
                  Melitopol Tractor Hydro Units Plant
                  Ministering to Ministers Foundation, Inc.
                  MJA Asset Management, LLC
                  Moye Handling Systems, Inc.
                  NAS Global Trade Ltd.
                  National Conference on Soviet Jewry
                  National Tribune
                  Nealon and Associates, P.C.
                  New Millennium Strategies
                  New Roots Restoration
                  North Winnipeg Credit Union Limited, Winnipeg, MB
                  Nuclear Information and Resource Service
                  Odza, Gindhart, Steckiw & Farion
                  Organization for the Defense of Four Freedoms for Ukraine, Inc.
                  Organization for the Rebirth of Ukraine
                  Paco Links International
                  Parents Targeting Achievement
                  Parents Targeting Opportunity
                  Perekhid Media Limited
                  Perekhid Outdoor
                  Perekhid Business Publishing
                  Piedmont Trading, Inc.
                  Plast, Ukrainian Scouting Organization
                  Poltava Confectionery
                  Pro Trade Group
                  Pro-W International Corporation
                  Raymond Linsenmayer & Associates
                  Rescare, Inc.
                  Reut Consulting
                  Richard W. Murphy Consulting Group
                  Ring Publishing
                  RUKH- Ukrainian Movement to aid Democracy in Ukraine, Chicago
                  Russian-Ukrainian Legal Group, P.A.
                  Russin & Vecchi LLC, Moscow
                  Salans Law Firm
                  Sevastopol Shipyard
                  Shevchenko Scientific Society
                  Sibik and Cataldo
                  Sigma Venture, Inc.
                  SigmaBleyzer Emerging Markets Private Equity Investment Group
                  Siguler Guff & Company, LLC
                  Skarabey Group LLC
                  Society for Fostering Jewish Ukrainian Relations
                  Solid Team, LLC
                  Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP
                  St. Andrew's Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Bloomingdale, IL
                  St. Nicholas' Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral - B.M.V. Sodality, Chicago
                  "St. Sophia" Religious Association of Ukrainian Catholics, Inc. USA
                  SUM Ukrainian Youth Organization
                  Sweet Analysis Services, Inc.
                  TEREX Corporation
                  Town of Irondequoit, New York
                  The Action Ukraine Report (AUR)
                  The Bleyzer Foundation
                  The International Medical Education Foundation, Inc.
                  The PBN Company
                  The School of the Voloshky Ukrainian Dance Ensemble
                  The Ukrainian Museum
                  The Washington Group
                  TransNational Resource, LLC
                  UkrAgroAssets, LLC
                  UkrAgroSystems, LLC
                  Ukraine-United States Business Council
                  Ukrainian Academic and Professional Association
                  Ukrainian Academy of Arts and Sciences in the USA
                  Ukrainian American Bar Association
                  Ukrainian American Chamber of Commerce
                  Ukrainian American Civil Liberties Association
                  Ukrainian American Club of Southwest, Fl
                  Ukrainian American Coordinating Council
                  Ukrainian-American Environmental Association
                  Ukrainian-American Freedom Foundation
                  Ukrainian American Senior Citizens Association
                  Ukrainian American Soccer Association, Inc.
                  Ukrainian American Sports Center "Tryzub"
                  Ukrainian Association in Austria
                  Ukrainian Citizens International Association
                  Ukrainian Community Action Network, Chicago
                  Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, Illinois Branch
                  Ukrainian Cossack Brotherhood, Chicago
                  Ukrainian Credit Union Development Committee
                  Ukrainian Cultural Center, Fairfax, VA
                  Ukrainian Cultural & Humanitarian Institute
                  Ukrainian Development Company, LLC
                  Ukrainian Education & Cultural Center
                  Ukrainian Engineer's Society of America, Inc. Philadelphia Chapter
                  Ukrainian Federal Credit Union
                  Ukrainian Federation of America
                  Ukrainian Fraternal Organization
                  Ukrainian Genocide Famine Foundation, Chicago
                  Ukrainian Gold Cross, Inc.
                  Ukrainian Holodomor Exhibition Committee
                  Ukrainian Human Rights Committee
                  Ukrainian Institute of America
                  Ukrainian Museum-Archives, Cleveland, Ohio
                  Ukrainian National Credit Union Association
                  Ukrainian National Association
                  Ukrainian National Museum of Chicago
                  Ukrainian National Women's League of America, Inc.
                  Ukrainian National Women's League of America, Regional Councils:
                  Detroit, New York, Central New York, Northern New York, Ohio,
                  New Jersey, Chicago, New England, Philadelphia;
                  Branches at Large: Phoenix, Atlanta, Miami, Pittsburgh, Denver, North Port,
                  Washington D.C., San Jose, Los Angeles, Houston, Tucson, St. Petersburg
                  Ukrainian Self Reliance New England Federal Credit Union
                  Ukrainian Wave Radio Program, Chicago
                  UKRUSA International Ltd.
                  United Software Corporation
                  United Ukrainian American Organizations of Greater New York
                  United Ukrainian Organizations of Greater Cleveland (UZO)
                  Usability Matrix Corporation
                  U.S. Chamber of Commerce
                  U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation (CRDF)
                  U.S.- Ukraine Foundation
                  Vantage Enterprises, L.L.C.
                  Venable LLP
                  VIKO Corporation
                  Volia Cable
                  Volia Software, Inc.
                  Voloshky Ukrainian Dance Ensemble
                  Wilton S. Tifft Photography
                  WJ Group of Agricultural Companies
                  WJ Hopper & Co., Limited
                  World Federation of Ukrainian Medical Associations
                  World Federation of Ukrainian Women's Organizations, Financial Committee
                  World League of Ukrainian Political Prisoners
         Information Service (ARTUIS)
                  Zaporizhya Meat Processing
                  Zen Architects