Round Table "Russian Anti-Semitism and Problems of Fighting against It".
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Round Table "Russian Anti-Semitism and Problems of Fighting against It".



                  Moscow, Russia, 18 December 2005
                  The Round Table "Russian Anti-Semitism and Problems of Fighting against It" first meeting was held in Moscow on 18 December 2005 by the initiative of the World Jewish Congress (WJC) Commission on Former Soviet Union.
                  Major Russian federal Jewish organizations representatives were present at the meeting: Vaad of Russia, Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, Russian Jewish Congress, and other independent experts.
                  While opening the meeting Michael Chlenov, Vaad of Russia President, and the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Secretary General emphasized the necessity to coordinate activities of the organizations that form the Jewish Community of Russia in the general system of opposition to extremism.
                  Experts emphasized that at present anti-Semitism though not heading the list of ethnic phobias; having given its position to anti-Trans-Caucasian and anti-Chinese actions have a chance to develop rapidly in the changed conditions.
                  They deliberately pointed to the threat of penetration of the so-called "New Anti-Semitism" based on left-wing liberal anti-Israelism and anti-Zionism, and its integration with "traditionally" far right wing forms of European Judo phobia.
                  The situation in Ukraine was given as an example of such phenomenon development, where anti-Semitism has come to full flower in the system of the Inter-Regional Academy of Personnel Management (MAUP). The experts also pointed to weaknesses in the Russian legislation that enable xenophobes and anti-Semites to escape responsibility.
                  The Round Table participants decided upon the necessity to organize a special work group to coordinate the fight against anti-Semitism and assigned the spearhead created at the meeting to prepare their proposals on the status and areas of the group activities.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department