EAJC Festive Reception.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Festive Reception.


                  EAJC FESTIVE RECEPTION

                  Moscow, Russia, October 27, 2005
                  A reception on the occasion of termination of the cycle of autumn Jewish festivals was held in Moscow on October 27, 2005 on the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) President Alexander Machkevitch initiative. The reception was conducted by a popular Russian TV presenter Lev Novozhionov.
                  Alongside with A. Machkevitch, EAJC was presented at the reception by: EAJC First Vice-President Vitali Maschitski, World Jewish Congress (WJC) and EAJC Vice-President Alexander Bronshtein, EAJC Vice-President Telman Ismailov, EAJC Treasurer Fedor Ossinin (Kazakhstan), EAJC Secretary General Michael Chlenov and EAJC General Council Chairman Josef Zissels (Ukraine).
                  The leading Russian Jewish organizations were represented by: the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FJCR) in the person of the Rabbi-in-Chief Berl Lazar, the Congress of Jewish Religious Organizations and Associations of Russia (CJROAR) in the person of its President Arkady Gaidamak and the Rabbi-in-Chief Adolph Shaevich, and the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC) in the person of the RJC Vice-President Svyatoslav Voldman.
                  Ddistinguished artists arrived at the reception as well. Among them: Josef Kobzon and Igor Krutoy, local branches of Jewish organizations in Russia leaders, diplomats, including Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Morocco to Russia Abdelmalek Jeddawi.
                  Besides, the honored guests of the celebrity were: the Rabbi-in-Chief of Israel Jona Metzger and the "Keren Hayessod" - United Isreal Appeal World Chairman Avi Pazner, who's President for CIS is A. Machkevitch.
                  Commemorative awards were given to him and T. Ismailov on behalf of the Keren Hayesod. Then A. Pazner informed the present of T. Ismailov's confirmation as the President of "Keren Hayessod" in the Caucasus.
                  Making a speech at the reception, A. Machkevitch emphasized an important role played by Jewish organizations in modern Russia, and made a slashing criticism of Iranian President anti-Zionist statements.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department