Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) delegation led by the EAJC General Council Chairman, Joseph Zissels visited Macedonia.
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                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) delegation led by the EAJC General Council Chairman, Joseph Zissels visited Macedonia.



                  Skopje, Macedonia, August 30 – September 4, 2005
                  Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) delegation led by the EAJC General Council Chairman, Joseph Zissels visited Macedonia from August 30 till September 4, 2005.
                  Jewish Community of Macedonia invited the delegation to attend the presentation of Holocaust Memorial Center of the Jews from Macedonia project – the first memorial of this kind in Balkans to be erected in the central part of historical Macedonian capital, Skopje.
                  The delegation has visited Museum of Macedonia and seen special gala performance in the theater. At Macedonian Academy of Art and Sciences they became participants of the international interethnic and inter-religious dialogue held during the Holocaust Center presentation in Macedonia. Professor Oleg Genisaretskiy, the Co-Chairman of Religious-Cultural (inter-confessional) dialogue “Face to Face”, has mentioned this event in his statement.
                  The speakers at presentation were: President of the Parliament of the Republic of Macedonia Ljupco Jordanovski, Deputy Minister of Culture in the Government of the Republic of Macedonia Ms. Melpomeni Korneti, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the State of Israel to the Republic of Macedonia Ms Irit Ben Aba, The President of the Holocaust Fund of the Jews from Macedonia Samuel Sadikarlo, Academician Cvetan Grozdanov, etc.
                  The reception, arranged by Jewish Community of Macedonia leadership, welcomed the following orators: Tomy Lapid, the Israeli delegation leader, the representatives of Jewish communities from the Macedonia neighboring countries and J. Zissels. He presented the hosts and guests with the EAJC Year-Book and the EAJC Newsletter dedicated to the inter-religious Dialogue.
                  Viktor Mizrahi, the Honorary Council of the State of Israel to the Republic of Macedonia and the leader of the Jewish Community of Macedonia for the last 8 years, and the main initiator of the Holocaust Center project, has introduced his successor Zdravko Shami.
                  Z. Shami has addressed J. Zissels on behalf of Jewish Community of Macedonia on the issue of joining EAJC and has publicly signed the relevant statement.
                  EAJC delegation took part in the ceremony of laying the cornerstone on the place of building future Holocaust Center in Macedonia on September 2, 2005. The Prime Minister of Macedonia Vlado Buckovski and r. Isak Asiel also attended the ceremony.
                  V. Buckovksi has received the EAJC delegation leader and other distinguished guests by the end of the ceremony. J. Zissels told the Macedonian Prime Minister about the EAJC international humanitarian activity.
                  O. Genisaretskiy and the Head of the EAJC Public Relations and Media Department Roman Spektor also met with the representatives of Macedonian Orthodox and Catholic Churches in the framework of inter-religious dialogue and presented them with EAJC newsletter “Our Dialogues”.
                  They were invited to Cyril and Methodius State University, where they had a talk with the Head of the Russian language Chair, Professor Cedo Cvetanovski and his colleagues. Delegation members handed over EAJC literature devoted to inter-religious dialogue.
                  R. Spektor and O.Genisaretskiy visited the similar meetings held in Belgrade (Serbia and Montenegro) and participated in the International Day of Jewish Culture in Novy Sad.

                  The EAJC Public Relations and Media Department