EAJC Delegation's Visit to the USA.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Delegation's Visit to the USA.



                  USA, May 3-8, 2005
                  The American Jewish Committee (AJC) 99th Congress and the International Jewish Leadership Conference were held in the United States on May 3-8, 2005. The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) Delegation headed by EAJC General Council Chairman and Vaad of Ukraine Chairman Joseph Zissels took part in the events.
                  The main topic of the discussion became the preparation to the 100th AJC anniversary. It was agreed to celebrate the jubilee in a grand way with leaders of American and foreign Jewish organizations invited as well as other guests including presidents of 50 countries. The International Jewish Leadership Conference participants visited the United Nations where they met with employees of several departments of this international organization, which aims its activities at opposing terrorism and anti-Semitism and promoting the peaceful process in the Middle East. UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and Ambassador of Israel to the UN Dan Gillerman spoke to the present audience.
                  In New York City Joseph Zissels met with the Jewish Community Relations Council Director, Ms. Susan Green. At the meeting they discussed the issues of anti-Semitic outbursts in the countries of the former Soviet Union, especially in Ukraine as well as the situation arising from the possible growth of the Jewish immigration from Russia.
                  In Washington, DC Joseph Zissels held a meeting with US Secretary of State Deputy Assistant for European and Eurasian Affairs John Tuff. The situation in Ukraine was again the topic of the discussion including the growing number of anti-Semitic publications in 2004, measures of the new national leadership directed against anti-Semitic demonstrations, problems of the Jewish communal property restitution, state of thing with Jackson-Vanik Amendment and the reasons that prevent the US Congress from its abolishment. The meeting also gathered the NCSJ representatives of the headed by Executive Director Mark Levin and the US Department of State Ukrainian Dept. Head Edward Tuscenis.
                  The same problems were discussed during the talk with the US Congressman, Rep. Robert Wexler and Ambassador Stewart Eisenstadt who supervised the East European restitution issues in President Bill Clinton's Administration.
                  As part of his visit to the USA at the invitation of famous human rights activist Vladimir Albrecht J. Zissels visited Boston where he presented a lecture on the situation in Ukraine to a group of immigrants from the USSR/CIS. There he also met with Academician Andrei Sakharov's widow and well-known human rights activist Elena Bonner and together with V. Albrecht they discussed the social and political situation in Russia and Ukraine.
                  The results of the visit to the USA J. Zissels summed up in a number of interviews to the American Mass Media.

                  The EAJC Public Relations and Media Department