Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael Certificates Presentation.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael Certificates Presentation.



                  Moscow, Russia. April 12, 2205

                  Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael - Jewish National Fund –– resumed its activities in Russia several years ago after a break that lasted for 87 years. Established 1901 the Fund, which main goal was to raise money to purchase land in Palestine has quickly regained confidence and prestige among Jews.
                  The funds raised were spent to purchase land, build kibutzim and cities, lay roads and plant trees. Nowadays the lands that the Fund owns host cities such as Tel Aviv, buildings of Haifa Technion and the Jewish University in Jerusalem, gardens, parks, man-made lakes.
                  Recently 30 persons who joined in a Parents’ Club and whose children live in the State of Israel and serve in Israeli Defense Forces (TSAHAL) have decided to plant trees in the Fund forest in honor of their kids. Thus, they raised money and gave it to the Fund, which for a long time already has developed and successfully implemented the procedure that lets people no matter where they live take part in the revival of the Eretz Yisrael by planting a tree, for instance.
                  Activity dedicated to this event took place in the Israeli Cultural Center (ICC) in Moscow on April 12, 2005.
                  After short speeches presented by Fund Co-Chairman and Secretary General of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), Prof. Michael Chlenov, Director General of the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) in Russia Boris Maftsir, ICC Director, First Secretary of the Israeli Embassy to Russia Karmi Elbert a presentation of the Fund took place held by the manager of its Russian affiliate Rafael Feinberg. The event culminated in the presentation of Certificates.
                  Colorful name Certificates were awarded to 30 people to confirm that in honor of their kids serving in TSAHAL in Eretz Yisrael the parents have planted trees in Yitzhak Rabin Park.
                  M. Chlenov and B. Maftsir awarded the Certificates. The official part finished with a traditional performance of the Israeli Anthem Hatikvah.

                  The EAJC Public Relations and Media Department