Activities within the framework of the annual agenda of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations orga
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                  Activities within the framework of the annual agenda of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations orga



                  Sofia, Bulgaria, February 11-14, 2005
                  Activities within the framework of the annual agenda of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations organized by the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (AJJDC) and Jewish Community of Bulgaria, which is part of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC), were held in Sofia on February 11-14, 2005.
                  American delegation headed by James Tisch and Malcolm Hoenlein included 52 leaders of major US Jewish organizations. EAJC General Council Chairman Joseph Zissels and Head of the EAJC Public Relations and Media Department Roman Spektor were invited to participate and present their speeches that were part of the agenda.
                  The program of the visit to Sofia started with the meeting of Sabbath. The festive dinner was accompanied by the reports about the Jewish life in Bulgaria delivered by Bulgarian Jewry leader Emil Kalo and Director of “Joint” office in Sofia Robert Djerassi.
                  During the Sabbath on February 12, members of the delegation attended the central Sofia synagogue where together with Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Israel to Bulgaria Avraham Sharon they took part in the service. When the Sabbath was over the delegation also visited the Jewish Community center “Bet Ha’Am”.
                  The morning of February 13 was dedicated to talks with “Joint” National Director for Bulgaria Jorg Diener and a visit paid to Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the USA to Bulgaria James Pardew.
                  Then the delegation was introduced to the activities of the Jewish retirement home, R. Lauder’s Fund Jewish school and the exhibition of National Historical Museum of Bulgaria.
                  President of Bulgaria Georgi Parvanov and Bulgarian Deputy Prime-Minister, Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Vassilev met leaders of the world Jewry on the same day.
                  February 14 was spent in meetings with Bulgarian Prime-Minister Simeon Saxe-Coburg, Bulgarian Minister of Finances Milen Veltchev, Speaker of the Bulgarian Parliament Ognian Gerdjikov, Bulgarian Minister of Foreign Affairs Solomon Passy and Patriarch Maxim, Head of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church Holy Synod.
                  When receiving words of gratitude and presents from the guests during all the meetings Bulgarian politicians and Synod representatives recalled how the Bulgaria saved Jews during World War II.
                  Bulgarian leaders emphasized the openness of the country to international cooperation in the economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres while talking about their strong desire to make Bulgaria a full-pledged member of the new Europe. They assured the Jewish delegation of the firmness of tolerance and historical relations between the Bulgarian and Jewish peoples.
                  The Jewish delegation expressed their hope that Bulgaria would be a strong partner of constructive parties both in the NATO and European Union when opposing world terrorism and so-called “new anti-Semitism” in Europe.
                  The current annual program of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations also included the visit to Rumania and Israel, where the delegation headed after their meetings in Sofia.

                  The EAJC Public Relations and Media Department