EAJC Youth Program / Seminar "Jewish Community of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" Yekaterinburg, Russia, November 5-8,
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  EAJC Youth Program / Seminar "Jewish Community of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" Yekaterinburg, Russia, November 5-8,


                  Another seminar "Jewish Community of Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow" conducted within the youth program of the Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) and the Federation of Jewish Organizations and Communities – Vaad of Russia, which is part of the EAJC, was held in the "Selen" pension near the Urals city of Yekaterinburg (former Sverdlovsk), on November 5-8, 2004.
                  EAJC General Council member, President of the Jewish National-Cultural Autonomy (JNCA) in Sverdlovsk Region Michael Oshtrakh, "Hillel" Director in Yekaterinburg Jacob Moz, Vaad of Russia Council member Boris Borovik, Sverdlovsk Jewish Culture Society "Hatikvah" President Michael Berensaft, representatives of AJJDC Yekaterinburg affiliate Zinaida Ananjina and Svetlana Ratner as well as JAFI representatives organized the seminar.
                  "Hatikvah" and "Hillel" members – all in all 28 persons – participated in the seminar, during which "Hillel" activists were taught basic approaches to the establishment of a Jewish community based on the "Hatikvah" experience. Besides, young leaders of the Urals Jewry were able to meet and get acquainted with each other.
                  In his final speech at the seminar M. Oshtrakh pointed out that the current forum was a success and that its participants had obtained new extensive information about the process of formation and development of Jewish organizations in the Diaspora, about the transformation of the communal conscience in the contemporary world and the prospects for the establishment of the Jewish Community in Russia.

                  R. Spektor, Head of the EAJC Public Relations and Media Department