"Ethnic Factor in the Process of Social Transformations" Conference / EAJC Participation.
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                  Euroasian Jewish News

                  "Ethnic Factor in the Process of Social Transformations" Conference / EAJC Participation.



                  Ekaterinburg, Russia, September 29-30, 2004
                  International scientific-practical Conference "Ethnic Factor in the Process of Social Transformations" took place in Ekaterinburg city on September 29-30, 2004.
                  The conference was organized by Friedrich Naumann Fund, Plenipotentiary on Human Rights in Sverdlovsk region, Legislative Assembly of Sverdlovsk region, Institute of Philosophy and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences Urals Department and the Union of Civil Rights Organizations in Sverdlovsk region with the support of the Sverdlovsk region Governor's Administration.
                  Member of the European Parliament A. Alvaro, Director of the Moscow Center for Ethnopolitical and Regional Studies V. Mukomel, experts from Germany, prominent scientists from Ekaterinburg and Perm (Russia), leaders of national-cultural autonomies and associations took part in the work of the Forum.
                  Conference participants discussed the issues of the state national policy, migration, human rights abidance, interaction of state bodies with ethnic minorities, assimilation, xenophobia, formation of tolerant interethnic relations, etc.
                  The Euro-Asian Jewish Congress (EAJC) General Council Member, the President of the Sverdlovsk region Jewish National-Cultural Autonomy Michael Oshtrakh presented a report during the Conference.
                  In his speech M. Oshtrakh pointed out the importance of uniting the activities of government bodies and the community to oppose extremism and xenophobia.
                  Besides EAJC General Council member highlighted the necessity of further development of the Russian system of ethnic education and tolerance promotion in schools as well as the improvement of the Russian legislation in the sphere of national policy and interethnic relations.

                  EAJC Public Relations and Media Department